Our Fund Foundation Fall 2018 Reception

Our Fund Foundation, South Florida’s only LGBT community foundation, raised $120,500 to distribute via its Spring 2019 Community Grant Program. The grants will help fund deserving non-profit organizations that proposed unique ideas, projects and programs – all advancing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties.

Our Fund Foundation will celebrate the recipients and impact they have within South Florida’s LGBT community during its annual grant reception on Wednesday, June 12 at 6 p.m. at ArtServe, located at 1350 East Sunrise Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale.

“Our Fund Foundation is extremely thankful for the generosity from our donor advised fund holders which help us support these remarkable organizations that benefit the LGBT community in so many diverse ways,” said David Jobin, president and CEO, Our Fund Foundation. “They truly inspire responsible giving and allow us to actively secure a thriving future for the LGBT community for generations to come.”

Our Fund Foundation’s Spring 2019 grant cycle was made possible in part by the generous

support of the Salah Fund at Our Fund, the John C. Graves Fund at Our Fund, Tuesday’s Angel’s Fund at Our Fund and a gift from the Josephine S. Leiser Foundation as well as other donors. Grants are approved by Our Fund Foundation’s Board of Directors and are awarded twice annually.   The recipients include 22 non-profit organizations, representing seven categories, including: 

YOUTH                                                                                               Amount


Broward College Foundation                                                          $10,000

Scholarships & Program Funding for Gay Straight Alliances (GSA) Club Members

Funds to support scholarships for LGBTQ+ students actively involved in campus GSAs

Gilda’s Club                                                                                       $10,000          

Kids Cancer Awareness NOW

Comprehensive cancer prevention education and support aimed at LGBTQ youth. 

Humanity Project                                                                              $10,000

Antibullying Through the Arts & Humanity Club

Anti-bullying curriculum aimed at elementary age children with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion.

Jewish Community Services of SFL                                              $5,000
LGBTQ Youth and Lambda Living Older Adult Services.
Provides basic needs assistance to LGBT youth and holds several social networking events for LGBT seniors.

Miami Bridge Youth and Family Services                                     $2,500
The LGBTQ Youth and Family Support Program.
Support for a program to provide a variety of support services for LGBTQ youth in need.


Museum of Discovery and Science                                                $10,000
LGBT+ Foster/Adoptive Family Outreach
Funding to support LGBT+ households who have opened their homes to foster and adopted children.

YES Institute                                                                                     $2,500

Communities for Safe Classrooms

Program to provide age-appropriate content to model communication and prevention skills to reduce anti-LGBT bullying incidents.


SoFIA                                                                                                 $5,000
Aging in South Florida Symposium & Services
Support for the Aging In South Florida Symposium.


TransInclusive Group                                                                      $2,500

TransInclusive Educational Empowerment Program

Support for an outreach and HIV testing program to reach transgender individuals and connect to other services. 


Latinos Salud                                                                                    $10,000
Breaking the Chain of HIV/STD Infections.

SunServe                                                                                           $10,000                                

Underwrites bus passes for clients. 

World AIDS Museum                                                                        $5,000 

Prevention 305                                                                                  $5,000

UPTAKE – “United Peers Take Action to Knockout the Epidemic

UPTAKE (United Peers Take Action to Knockout the Epidemic) is an initiative to address HIV stigma through targeted dating app and social media engagement.

Theatre of the Creative Consciousness of the Arts                     $5,000

A Musical Titled “A Devastating Impact”

Production of a play about HIV. 


Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida                                              $5,000

GMCSF Scholarship Program

Scholarship to help sponsor chorus members.

Pride Fort Lauderdale                                                                      $1,000
Caribbean Pride
Improve and expand scope and reach of Caribbean Pride Festival.

Red Hispana                                                                                      2,000
Season 5 of Over the Rainbow radio show, dealing with LGBT related topics.

Stonewall                                                                                           $10,000

Community Space: An LGBTQ Community Collaboration

Funding to support an LGBT community space.

Wilton Manors Entertainment Group                                             $2,500
2019 Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade & Street Festival
Support for the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride celebration.


MAVEN                                                                                              $5,000
MAVEN Leadership Cohort
Funding to support Maven leadership cohort program.

SAVE                                                                                                  $2,500
Business Equality Network
Funding for Business Equality Network.

Established in 2011, Our Fund Foundation has grown into the third largest LGBT foundation in the nation. As South Florida’s only LGBT community foundation, Our Fund promotes a culture of philanthropy by uniting donors with organizations advancing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties and supporting causes within the LGBT community. For more information on Our Fund Foundation visit our-fund.org or call 954-565-1090.

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