All About Your Glutes and How to Handle Them

Let us be honest, every guy wants to have a great set of arms and a solid, manly chest. But there is nothing that...

Reach Your Peak Physique for Swimsuit Season

Whether you prefer a bikini, square cut, board shorts, or choose to hit the beach in the buff, you cannot deny that swimsuit season...

Combine Weight Training and Cardio for a Dynamite One, Two Punch!

Without a doubt, resistance training with free weights is the best way to build muscle. The problem is lifting weights doesn’t burn that many...

Rub Out Nasty Back Pain for Good

Low back pain is the most frequent cause of missed work after the common cold and it has been estimated that over 20 million...

Up Your Intensity, Make Awesome Gains!

If you are one of those guys who prefers to get down to business in the gym without wasting precious time, this column is...

A Good Sweaty Workout: Your Best Investment!

A healthy lifestyle takes commitment and planning. Adhering to a sound nutritional program, keeping up with regular medical check-ups, and getting enough sleep are...