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Scores Re-invents Saturdays on SOBE

Score Re-invents Saturdays

For over a decade Score has been one of the hottest places to party in Miami due to the fact that it is constantly re-inventing itself and giving its clientele what they want!

For over a decade Score has been one of the hottest places to party in Miami due to the fact that it is constantly re-inventing itself and giving its clientele what they want! They recently realized that there hasnít been a Saturday dance party on the beach since the old days of Salvation and have shifted their schedule around to create BIGGER Saturdays. Expect everything to be BIGGER and BETTER. Below is an interview with Billy Kemp and Luis Morera of Score.

Score has been an institution in South Beach for many years now, what was the thought behind the creation of Score?
Score originally was created to be a trendy dance bar in South Beach in 1998 that lived-up to the reputation South Beach had developed and was appropriate for the upscale direction Lincoln Road was taking at that time.
Back then gay nightclubs were never visible and usually not upscale in design. We wanted to have the first sophisticated bar that gay people could be proud of. The concept included a little something for everyone to reflect Miami’s culturally diverse gay community and included a video bar, dance bar, martini bar (martinis were really BIG back then!), and a private bar in the back.

 How have the gay community and the scene in South Beach changed since Scoreís inception?
I think the gay community has changed all around the world, and I think it is a positive change for us.
Being gay nowadays is main stream as a result of media exposure with more gay shows, gay roles in shows, gay celebrities; we even have our own gay network!
The gay acceptance worldwide made new generations feel more normal and accepted and the new gay generation feels no need to fit into what was then the stereotypical gay life (look and behavior).
Nowadays the new gay generation is EVERYWHERE and although some may think our community is smaller, itís just less obvious because we seem to melt into the entire community and have become gay people living in the whole world not just a little gay world.

 What makes Score different from any other bar/club?
 The way the club operates and the strategy behind it.
We want Score to be a gay club with a door wide open for all gay people and their friends.  The strategy is to appeal to different niche markets on smaller nights and appeal to the masses on the big nights. Its working out great!

Luis, since you have been involved in Score, what are some of the changes that you have made?
I helped Score evolve from a bar to more of a club scene. The changes I made were a result of all the feedback I received thanks to our patrons, who are always ready with a suggestion or idea.

 You just did an extensive remodel of
the club around a year ago. How has the
community reacted to that?
Based on our customers reactions, they love it and appreciate it. That fact is responsible for almost 11 years of success.  We are constantly making changes, upgrading, improving and keeping it fresh. This sends a strong message to our patrons that we care and work hard to insure a great time for everyone.   
You have now created a new Saturday night entitled ìBIGGER.î What was the thought process behind this new event, and what are your plans for it?
Not since the Salvation glory days has South Beach hosted a BIG SATURDAY NIGHT out.
BIGGER SATURDAYS is created for those music lovers who want to dance to world class DJ/Producers. BIGGER Saturdays will also feature outrageous, unexpected Entertainment. We have hired outrageous acts from around the globe designed to excite and will be using projected animated visuals to captivate the senses. You can be sure of one thing everything about Saturday nights will be BIG.

Whatís ahead for Score?
We are currently planning our 11th anniversary and our fall entertainment calendar. We promise to continue bringing a variety of special events and top notch entertainment. We are in the process of adding more of the latest technology in video and sound, working hard to keep the excitement alive!




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