Home Columns Mrs Beasley Beasley April 16th 2009

Beasley April 16th 2009

In Issue 16

Weekly Gossip from Mrs. Beasley



“It’s been a hell of a life, I’ve been very grateful for it.”– Jack Wrangler [1946-2009]

…from his last interview with Unzipped.net. The iconic porn/music icon died April 7th at 62 from lung cancer. Once the King of 70’s gay porn. He later entered the theater word. We shall miss Jack very much.

Birthdays April 16th-22nd
Alibi’s marvelous Michael Toy on the 21st, Jim of Orlando, Joshua M., Super D.J. Paulie on the 17th, Diamond Danny, Jon W., Troy, Tim D. , John B. on the 20th, Skylar, Eddy, J.W. (Chainz), Jesse D., Jimmy of WPB, Kelly, and Big John of Mona’s.
Belated to Phillip of The Boardwalk, Basha and Lee W.  Best Wishes to all.

To Electra on the passing of his beloved mother, Carmen. We share in his sorrow at this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you honey. May she rest in peace.

To Clubhouse II on their 32nd anniversary and to The Depot on their 1st. Wishing much continued success to both venues!!  Also congrats to Ramrod’s big John for winning The sleaziest top award and to Mona’s D.A. on winning the sleaziest bartender award, which he also copped in 2007! Must be the hottie’s Prince Albert!!!

We hear
That former resident and club owner (Cathode Ray) John Manzi is in town for a week of R&R.  Have a great time John!
That the World Famous Boardwalk has the much in demand super hot xxx super star Vince Ferelli appearing live on stage next Friday and Saturday the  24th and 25th. This guy is smoking hot and not to be missed. Plus if you chow down at Beefcakes you’ll be treated to free admission to the Boardwalk anytime and the food is awesome and at the right price.
That Saturday’s at 11 nightclub, hosted by TPROMIX, Jordan Bailey and Omar Gonzalez, continue to sizzle with music, men and fun. Get to this Saturday venue soon for a great time and the best sounds.

That Mona of Mona’s would love to introduce the world to Miss Lisa II, a brand new puppy and in her honor every Wednesday night from 9p.m. to 1 a.m. it’s all you can drink for $20.00 and this includes top shelf, premium; in other words EVERYTHING !!!

So for $5.00 an hour you get it all plus sexy David H. bartending [no Prince Albert] the hot Iowa corn fed farm boy with one of the biggest cut pieces in this town. If you were wondering, he wears boxers! He is also on Saturday, Sunday and Monday days.

That an elderly very well known gentleman pays his rent boys with cash out of a zip lock bag. Go figure!
That the much sought after hunk Luke is one sweet guy with some very sweet things in his pants or shorts!!! He’s a beauty guys!
That a bartender was overheard saying “Excuses are like armpits and some of them stink,” LOL ! Sorry no name on this one.
That a hot cowboy and his buds roped in a few frats for a wild riding session and even gave them cowboy hats as a thank you for a wild hot night!
That hot Chris was in our town visiting a certain Blockbuster manager and had so much fun he hated to go back to NY. Think initial T.
That a professor of law took home and topped a hot bottom he met at the famous Ramrod while drinking at Big John’s bar.
That’s all for this one but do it safely and do not drive buzzed as that is drunk driving guys so be cabbing it if you’re in that condition.


Mrs. Beasley




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