Just last week, the Supreme Court of the United States filled all of the news cycles across the country for hearing two cases dealing with gay rights. Marriage equality has gained momentum, not only in the US but throughout the world, and prevailing feelings about acceptance of the LGBT community at large have changed drastically over the past few years. The French parliament recently agreed to gay marriage and also passed the adoption rights for gays and lesbians. Also, Denmark said yes and passed a gay marriage law in 2012. In Germany, it remains to be seen if the new discussions in March of this year will finally lead to a better legal position for homosexual couples.
Even if, in this country, there is (still) no federal law granting marriage equality, the situation looks even worse in many other countries. Russia is the worst country in Europe in respect to homo-friendliness. Nothing will change in near future in this respect due to the so-called “Homopropaganda” ban in cities like St. Petersburg. In some countries in Africa and the Middle East, homosexuality carries very stiff punishments, even death in extreme cases. So as governments grapple with these gay rights issues, it’s important that our community stay informed about places where it’s safest to travel around the globe. LGBT people tend to travel more than other segments of the population, so, luckily for us, Bruno Gmünder, publishers of the Spartacus Guide, helps us out year after year.
The guide is produced by the Bruno Gmünder Publishing Company which was founded in 1981 in Berlin. Today the company, with approximately 80 full-time employees, is one of the worldwide leaders in the area of gay media. With numerous publications from magazines,
guides, photographic books, comic and non-fiction books, the company offers a wide thematic variety, with The SPARTACUS International Gay Guide as one of the their most important publications. To find more information about the top countries, and those at the bottom of the list of the friendliest destinations for gays go to www.spartacusworld.com/gaytravelindex.pdf.
Be sure to check it out if you are planning a trip anytime soon.