Home Features Features The City of Wilton Manors announces re-election of Mayor Gary Resnick

The City of Wilton Manors announces re-election of Mayor Gary Resnick

The City of Wilton Manors is pleased to announce the re-election of Mayor Gary Resnick to the Florida League of Cities (FLC) Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors is elected by municipal officials throughout the state

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The City of Wilton Manors is pleased to announce the re-election of Mayor Gary Resnick to the Florida League of Cities (FLC) Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors is elected by municipal officials throughout the state

The Florida League of Cities, Inc., formed in 1922, represents the 400+ municipalities of Florida. Its mission is to concentrate the influence of all city, town and village officials upon other policymaking bodies for the purpose of shaping legislation and public policy, sharing the advantages of cooperative action, and exchanging ideas and experiences. For more information, see www.floridaleagueofcities.com.

Mayor Resnick was first elected to the FLC’s Board of Directors in 2003.  During his tenure on the Board, he has served on the 2009/10 Executive Committee and chaired the League’s Transportation and Urban Administration Committee, as well as the Utilities and Communications Policy Committee, and he served as the League’s appointee to Florida’s Communications Services Tax Work Group in Tallahassee.  




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