Home Features Bed of Rose: Rentboy Ryan Rose Competes for Mr. Florida

Bed of Rose: Rentboy Ryan Rose Competes for Mr. Florida

Once again, Rentboy.com is scouring the globe in its search for the world’s best male hooker.  Their Florida competition will take place February 1 in Fort Lauderdale. Competing for the title of “Mr. Florida” will be the current Falcon Man of the year, Ryan Rose, who resides in Tampa. If he wins, Ryan will compete for the ultimate title of Mr. International Escort 2014 at Rentboy’s eighth annual International Escort Awards – better known as “The Hookies” – that takes place in New York during Black Party Weekend.

Who is crazy enough to compete against you for Mr. Florida? 

(Laughing) That’s not a fair question!  Modesty prevents me from answering that one but I can tell you the competition is looking pretty “stiff”.

How long have you called Florida home?

I actually still call Chicago my home; but I do love it here in Florida.

With your thriving adult video career, have you considered making the move to Los Angeles? 

I used to live in San Diego, but I really don’t care for the drama in Los Angeles.

Is the adult community in Los Angeles a snake pit?

It definitely can be, yes.  I don’t want to get into that but, with all of the p-rn people there, it gets a little intense.

What do you do to keep your 6’3” frame looking so buff? 

I’m diligent about my workout routine and I eat healthy in order to stay on top of my busy schedule.

Do the tats on your arms and back have a special meaning?

I served in Iraq and it was a great learning experience.  I value my military past and the service I provided to the US Marine Corps.

What’s the best thing about escorting?

Meeting new and interesting people.

What’s the worst?

(Laughing) I meet too many new and interesting people!

What do you mean?

Meeting new people is fun and exciting but I often meet guys who are not able to separate the fantasy from reality and it gets a little awkward.

What’s the better gig – escorting or p-rn?

P-rn.  It is what made me who I am today.

How did you make your start in the adult industry? 

I was referred to Sean Cody and it snowballed from there.

It’s two years away… but just wondering how you plan to celebrate your 30th birthday? 

With a bottle of Dom Perignon in a foreign country with a special friend.

How will you make sure you bring home the title on February 1? 

I will just be me.

Why should fans vote for you to be Mr. Florida?

I would be more than proud to represent this state that I love so much!

The Mr. Florida competition takes place February 1 in Fort Lauderdale.  The Hookies 2014 International Escort Awards will take place in NYC during Black Party Weekend in March. Learn more at TheHookies.com.



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