Home Features Lace Up for the 30th Annual AIDS Walk Miami

Lace Up for the 30th Annual AIDS Walk Miami

What is it? Duh. Miami’s largest HIV/AIDS awareness fundraiser.

When is it? Sunday, April 22. On-site registration opens at 8am. Opening ceremonies are at 8:30. The Walk kicks off at 9am.

The cause: Fighting HIV/AIDS right here at home. All funds raised are used in Miami-Dade and Broward to help diverse communities in need. Critical services include case management, housing assistance, food assistance, counseling, HIV testing, prevention outreach, and education.

The beneficiaries:

Care Resource, South Florida’s oldest and largest HIV/AIDS service organization, currently serves about 15,000 clients

Food-for-Life-Network provides and delivers groceries, meals (48,000 a year!) and nutritional education to people living with chronic illnesses in Miami-Dade County.


How far: 5K (that’s 3.1 miles for you silly, metric-phobic Americans).

Starting line: SoundScape Park (500 17th St., Miami Beach).

Finish line: Also…SoundScape Park.

In between: Enjoy an invigorating Sunday sashay through the scenic streets of South Beach with thousands of friends. And exes. And, if you’re lucky, future exes.

The look: Out, loud and proud. Sexy? Yes! Slutty? Not us. No, never! (Don’t you dare listen to what our shady, jealous friends say!) Sensible shoes are a must, as is sunblock (or, perhaps, an umbrella or poncho, ’cause the Walk goes on rain or shine, ladies!).

Stay hydrated! Plenty of water will be available both in SoundScape Park and along the Walk route. Hotspots, a longtime sponsor of the event, is donating all that water, and we’ll be right there along the route to cheer you on and make sure everybody is moist as can be.


Starts: As soon you haul your tired ass across the finish line. We’re waiting.

On the mic: The Notorious MC Danny G (Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, yo!).

The shows: Live performances (that’s L-I-V-E “live,” not Mariah New Year’s “live”) by recording artists Daniel Patrick Ellis and Jane Catt.

Daniel Patrick Ellis

Self-care time! Complimentary massages from Educating Hands School of Massage, HIV testing, free wellness screenings, carnival games, giveaways, pet adoptions, and dozens of booths with information about medical and support resources.


Sponsorship: Support your family and friends who are walking.

Walk: Start a team, join a team or simply register as an individual, or “Sleep Walker”. It’s only $25 to register, but $50 gets you a Walk t-shirt. And you know you want one! Register at aidswalkmiami.org.

Hotspots Magazine

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