Home Happening Out Television Network Breaking News Trans Climber Erin Parisi Approaches Summit Of Seven Summits In...

Breaking News Trans Climber Erin Parisi Approaches Summit Of Seven Summits In Time To Celebrate June

American mountaineer Erin Parisi is set to become the first trans woman to summit the highest peak on each of the seven continents. Since 2018, she’s climbed five of the peaks that make up the Seven Summits challenge, with just Everest and Denali still to go. We had an interview with Erin Parisi recently on Unapologetically Queer. Currently, she is dispatched from the American Alpine Institute’s worldwide mountaineering expeditions, including the West Buttress of Denali, Ecuador, Bolivia, and the Seven Summits. She is with Team 2 along with other six climbers. Team 2 spent another day at Camp 3 (14,200′) as of the last update. They spent the day doing some camp maintenance and meeting neighbors. They spotted some good views before calling it a night. They started climbing on May 20 and they are expected to come back by June 9.

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