Anti-Christian Bias? Hardly.

Trump’s task force to study “anti-Christian” bias is a flagrant attempt to satisfy the most extreme parts of his base. There is Anti-Semitism in this country and there is Islamophobia in this country, but a country where over 70% identify as Christian is not a country where Christians suffer for being Christian.

There are Christian churches, Christian camps, Christian television networks, Christian bookstores, Christian radio stations, Christian colleges, Christian day schools, and politicians who use their faith as a reason to oppose a woman’s right to choose and marriage equality. The Senate and the House of Representatives each have their own chaplains…currently, those chaplains are Roman Catholic and 7th Day Adventist. Party conventions and presidential inaugurations begin and conclude with prayer and our constitution guarantees freedom of religion. we have states that were founded as religious safe havens by Catholics, puritans, and Quakers.

The 2nd largest city in the nation is named for angels. In this country, bias in favor of Christianity is baked in. Why, then make the ridiculous assertion that Christians suffer some sort of hardship for their faith? Mostly, it’s a cheap trick Trump uses to get support from Christian nationalists who are more dedicated to white supremacy than to the golden rule or Jesus’ love ethic.

White Nationalist Christians: you can preach your hate, feel hate, raise your kids to hate, worship hate and violence and cruelty…but you can’t legislate or adjudicate hate in the name of Jesus. Your beliefs don’t deserve to be privileged over those whose sincere spiritual commitments include ideals of peace, justice, compassion, generosity, education, climate care, women’s rights, and the freedom to love. Right-wing Christians aren’t oppressed…the oppression they want to enact is being resisted. And that resistance MUST continue. Let’s hear what this panel of Christian ministers has to say about it.

Happening Out Television Network

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