Home Happening Out Television Network Queer God Squad Trans Righteous Warriors Disrespected On LGBTQ Site

Trans Righteous Warriors Disrespected On LGBTQ Site

References to transgender and queer people were recently erased from the Stonewall National Monument’s web page, this came after Donald Trump made anti-Trans executive orders.

The Stonewall National Monument’s web page used to say “LGBTQ+.” It now reportedly only says “LGB.” Trump is trying to erase trans people from history. It is particularly egregious to remove Trans from Stonewall, the hallowed ground where the Stonewall Rebellion, led by drag artists, cross-dressers, Transwomen, lesbians, and gay men, occurred in 1969. Without Trans people, we wouldn’t have the defining Stonewall moment. This is an insult to the LGBTQ+ community, to trans and non-binary people in particular, and it is an attempted alteration of history, or so it seems to the Queer God Squad.

The Stonewall Inn and Stonewall Inn Give Back Initiative released a joint statement declaring outrage at the removal of T&Q from the website: “This blatant act of erasure not only distorts the truth of our history, but it also dishonors the immense contributions of transgender individuals – especially transgender women of color – who were at the forefront of the Stonewall Riots and the broader fight for LGBTQ+ rights,” the statement read.

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