Out State Representative Fabian Basabi has been embroiled in an ongoing fight with Miami Beach Pride. You will recall that Basabi had a significant rejection from 2023 parade participants. He criticized Equality Florida as organizing protests against him from parade spectators. Last year the 2024 Pride Board rejected Basabe’s request to again be in the parade. He was running for re-election and there was much community debate on not allowing him to be in the parade. Equality Florida’s political director Joe Saunders ran against Basabi in one of the rare gay vs gay statewide races in the nation. Saunders lost the election in Miami Beach in November. Now Miami Beach Pride is again approaching. A series of private emails has been shared to Queer News Tonight Executive Producer Al Ferguson. On February 21 Representative Basabe communicated with Miami Beach Pride Board Chair Bruce Horwich and said
“I am formally requesting pre-approval of my application to participate in the 2025 Miami Beach Pride Parade. Your previous decision to bar me from the event was not only unconstitutional but clearly politically motivated. Despite this, I attended last year’s parade as a spectator, engaging with thousands of attendees in open and productive dialogue. My presence proved that any perceived security concerns were entirely unfounded. The only source of disruption during the previous incident was your “partner” organization, Equality Florida, which deliberately agitated the crowd with misinformation. This was further exploited by my political opponent, who campaigned using taxpayer and nonprofit funds to further this false narrative.”
Basabe then suggested that substantial public money is spent on Miami Beach Pride and any exclusions may affect the city’s relationship with Pride. He said
“As you are well aware, the City of Miami Beach is a major partner in hosting this event, contributing $250,000—more than it has allocated to any other private entity—while also covering all police-related expenses. Given this substantial public investment, I urge you not to place your organization or the City in a position of legal and ethical liability by continuing to exclude a duly elected representative from an event that claims to be inclusive. Your refusal to engage in an open platform for dialogue and reconciliation is unacceptable, particularly in light of my landslide re-election, which unequivocally demonstrates public support for my leadership and advocacy. I am the elected Representative of the district and the very city in which this parade is held. Your decision to exclude me contradicts the principles of inclusivity that Miami Beach Pride purports to uphold.”
Miami Beach City Commissioner Alex Fernandez communicated his desires on Basabe participation in the parade in an email to Miami Beach Pride saying
“To clarify a point in your email, the Representative reached out to me last year regarding his participation in the parade last March. I appreciate the time you gave to speak with me regarding his participation in this year’s Pride parade. As we discussed, I agree and encourage that the representative should be allowed to participate…”
Three days later Horwich responded for Miami Beach Pride saying
“Dear Fabian, Thank you for your interest in participating in this year’s Pride Parade. To answer your request… the Board has decided in favor of your participation this year. We actually came to that decision midday today, and then I heard from Commissioner Alex Fernandez that you were seeking the City to somehow get involved in this situation. Commissioner Fernandez encouraged us to let you participate, but we had already decided that as well.”
Representative Basabe tells Queer News Tonight that a resolution was being considered about the issue from the city commission. While a copy of the resolution was requested we have not received it as of our reporting.
Horwich also said to the State Representative
“Nothing unconstitutional about it and definitely not political. You were in the parade in 2023 and became a huge safety issue for yourself and for the parade watchers. You had to be surrounded by police unlike anyone has ever had in our parades in the past. Your assistant was instigating the crowd by videotaping people yelling at you. In fact, your assistant went up to people and put the camera in their faces while giving them the “finger”. There were special police in riot gear as well as plain clothes officers there just to surround your car and keep you safe. There are plenty of videos and pictures that show this. As for politics, you were in the parade the year before. We have never not allowed someone in the parade based on political party.”
In full disclosure Queer News Tonight’s Al Ferguson interviewed Representative Basabe extensively last year about this and many issues he supported in the previous legislative session. Queer News Tonight decided not to broadcast the more than 1 hour interview. Basabe has continued to challenge us to broadcast it. Basabe recorded the interview privately and we have given permission to use that video however he sees fit. Miami Beach Pride Parade will be Sunday April 6. Bruce Horwich was the final word when he tells Representative Basabe
“To register, please go to our website, www.MiamiBeachPride.com. There you can register like everyone else. Once you have completed the registration, we will place you in the parade.”
Queer News Tonight will continue to follow this breaking story.