Home Happening Out Television Network Lent And The LGBTQ Community: From Ashes to Easter

    Lent And The LGBTQ Community: From Ashes to Easter

    Lent is a Christian observance that begins on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday reminds us of our mortality but begins Lent which leads to Easter (representing immortality.) Lent lasts 40 days, not counting Sundays. This period reminds us of the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and struggling with doubts before beginning his public ministry.

    Lent culminates in Holy Week, which ends with the Triduum: Maundy Thursday, commemorating the Last Supper and Jesus’ love command; Good Friday, observing Jesus’ execution; and Holy Saturday (a liminal time of already and not yet, of awkward waiting and faint hope).

    To put a Queer spin on it, some LGBTQ groups mix glitter with their ashes on Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday I say that we are made of earth dust and stardust and fairy dust. Our time on earth is limited, but it can be beautiful, even magical, as we live our lives authentically. I’m not one for deprivation but if you want to give up something for Lent, give up shame, false guilt, regret, fears, self-criticism, prejudices, and any idea of an angry or cruel god.

    Maundy Thursday recalls a feast, a reminder for our community that even when facing difficult challenges, we can gather with our chosen family and celebrate our love and our resilience. Good Friday reminds us that heartache occurs, but it need not have the last word in our story. Easter is a day of emerging from the tomb, or closet, to roll away the stone of despair and move into the light of hope and possibilities. Let’s hear what Lent means to the Queer God Squad.

    Happening Out Television Network

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