On the subreddit r/ainbow Spaciest Space Kook makes a plea for all of us to stand up for Transgender people. Spaciest Space Kook writes, “I’m so deeply saddened that so many people voted to take away Trans people’s rights and yet don’t realize how much of a warning that was that none of us are safe in the hands of this administration.
So many people voted against Trans people and now we are seeing open attacks against cisgender women’s civil liberties as well. I hope we take this as a lesson that we can’t stand aside while marginalized groups are attacked. Anytime a marginalized community is attacked by the people in power it should be a signal to everyone that we need to defend them and stand up for them. Not doing so, leaves us all in the path of harm.” Welcome the stranger. Feed the hungry. Care for the widow and orphan.
Touch the untouchable. Love the unloved. Lift up the downtrodden. Offer good news to the poor. These are the mandates of our scriptures and tradition. And yet, when it comes to women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, the health of the planet, the rights of non-aggressive nations to exist without fear of invasion, the right to affordable education and healthcare…we are living in a time when all such rights are under siege. What, as people of faith, are we willing to do? When cruelty abounds, what does the faith community do in response?