A lot of people are put off by prescription drugs and are looking for more natural ways to feel better. Herbs and supplements continue to rise in popularity, but since they aren’t FDA-regulated, there is a possibility of causing harm.
There are also other natural means to relieve yourself of addictions, stress, depression and insomnia and sleepiness. Here is a guide to alternative healing techniques.
ACUPUNCTURE In this procedure thin, disposable stainless steel needles are inserted in pressure points to help relieve pain. Traditionally known to restore balance of energy, this practice has been known to help addictions, relieve headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis and back pain. |
ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is acupuncture’s less invasive cousin. Instead of needles, pressure is applied to acupuncture points on your body. This technique is said to help with insomnia, motion sickness, headaches, sinus issues, back and muscle aches, neck pain, arthritis and symptoms of stress. |
MEDITATION Meditation is extremely useful to help with relaxation and depression. In fact, many therapists use meditation in their practices.
Therapist Ron “Doc” Chambers, who has a practice in Fort Lauderdale, says he uses meditation and other relaxation techniques with his patients.
“I mostly use it for anxiety, depression, self esteem issues and anger,” he explains. “I do a lot of guided imagery with music. I guide patients through a particular subject and have them retreat into their past, and think of something that made them feel good- a safety zone, something safe and enjoyable.”
“Then, afterwards, we talk about it,” he adds.
Chambers says that he has seen great results with guided meditation.
YOGA Many are intimidated by yoga and think that they have to be able to fold themselves into a pretzel-shape in order to do it. This is not the case, and classes are held all over Florida for different levels and different types of yoga. It is said to reduce stress, control anxiety, reduce self-esteem, stimulate the immune system and boost a sense of calm. It also burns fat and tones your body. |
MASSAGE There are many benefits of massage, besides lying naked and letting someone rub you down (although that in itself can be very, very healing). It helps relax your muscles, can help with sinus issues, helps with aches and pains and is really a great way to treat yourself. If you are looking for a masseuse, just flip through the pages of Hotspots and choose one that seems right for you. |
EXERCISE Not so alternative, but something people don’t think of as a stress reliever is exercise. Besides being good for your heart and your body, it is also quite good for your head. Local fitness instructor/personal trainer/life coach Frank Ward thinks nothing cures what ails you more than good old fashioned exercise.
“Working out definitely helps your mindset,” he says. “Breaking a sweat is one of the best things you can do to clear your head.”