Home Columns Dishing with Mark And Carrie Wrestling in a Gay Bar!

Wrestling in a Gay Bar!

This past week we saw things we had never seen before! On a quiet Tuesday night there were screams coming from Bradley’s on 7th. Not screams of joy, but screams of fighting! Of course, we had to investigate… there in the DIVA Dance Room was a huge boxing ring set up complete with three ropes and bouncing padded floor. It was the Semi Pro Wrestlers Association! These were colorfully costumed and full of life characters. Miss Robin Demornay was the hostess of the event and the whole room was caught up in the action. At one point Miss Robin hit Mad Dog on the head with her microphone as she proclaimed “That’s how you train a bad dog!” The highlight was the final round when Mohamad took the floor. The next time your at Bradley’s be sure you show some respect to …

dishing-wrestling-gay-bar-1Wrestling in a Gay Bar!

This past week we saw things we had never seen before! On a quiet Tuesday night there were screams coming from Bradley’s on 7th. Not screams of joy, but screams of fighting! Of course, we had to investigate… there in the DIVA Dance Room was a huge boxing ring set up complete with three ropes and bouncing padded floor. It was the Semi Pro Wrestlers Association! These were colorfully costumed and full of life characters. Miss Robin Demornay was the hostess of the event and the whole room was caught up in the action. At one point Miss Robin hit Mad Dog on the head with her microphone as she proclaimed “That’s how you train a bad dog!” The highlight was the final round when Mohamad took the floor. The next time your at Bradley’s be sure you show some respect to Mohamad at the door. This is one guy you do not want to piss off! Just sayin. We understand there will be more wrestling coming next month. Don’t miss the great time.

Silent Disco?

The Ritz Ybor caught our attention and curiosity when up on the marque it read “Tonight Silent Disco.” Yes, we are old enough to remember Disco, but never heard of Silent Disco (SilentEvents.com) . As you entered the Ritz they gave everybody headphones to wear. In the main dance room there was a DJ set up center stage, neon lights flashing everywhere, and people dancing. As the night went on, it got crazy and crazier. The room was so very quiet you could hear a pin drop. Guests would take one earphone off and yell at each other over the music in their other ear. So, we were hearing all kinds of wild things like, “Damn you’re hot,” “Cocktail time,” “Let’s go to my house” and many things we cannot print! LOL!

People Are Talking

– A new restaurant is revamping and opening in downtown area of Tampa as a new gay dinner spot. Metro Restaurant and Lounge on 511 N. Franklin Street offers contemporary flair with a fabulous menu. New owners, Marc & Bill, await your presence.

– Speaking of new restaurants and changes, Luigi’s Cafe at the famous Don Vicente Historic Inn has started a new weekly featured lunch menu that beats the best. A professor friend, Sharon Rose, went with friends and ordered their lunch and they all had to reorder for take out to take home — it was that awesome!

– Former GaYBOR bar owner, John Gorman finished his medical schooling and has passed his state boards. Congratulations on your new venture, John!



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