Home Columns Need Wood? Need Wood – May 23, 2013

Need Wood – May 23, 2013

I’ve noticed a lot of guys on the scene use Viagra to pep themselves up after taking drugs like cocaine.  I was going to take one after a night of debauchery when I remembered reading one of your columns where you talked about your campaign…

NeedWood-bannerDrugs are Bad, Mkay!

Hey, Woody,

I’ve noticed a lot of guys on the scene use Viagra to pep themselves up after taking drugs like cocaine.  I was going to take one after a night of debauchery when I remembered reading one of your columns where you talked about your campaign, “Just Say Know to Drugs” (“Know what you’re taking, Know how much to take, Know the consequences”). So I took your advice and didn’t take the Viagra.  And I won’t until I find out if there are any dangers to mixing it with club drugs.  Are there?  And do you think it’s wrong to use Viagra recreationally?

— Chemically hard

Dear Hard

There are no dangerous interactions between Viagra and club drugs.  


Now, listen closely, girlie-men, EXCEPT for the following drug:  Nitrates. English translation? Poppers. Viagra lowers blood pressure.  So do poppers. Bad combination. Chances are high you’ll pass out and possibly die.  

Two other things to keep in mind:  1)  If you’re HIV Positive and using protease inhibitors you can still take Viagra but you need to do it in lower doses.  Standard dosage is 50 mg. Positive guys on meds need to make sure they take half—25 mg. Why? Because the meds amplify Viagra’s effects. All of them, the good and the bad.  Mixing your meds with Viagra can result in severe headaches, a dramatically reduced blood pressure and flushing.  

If you stay away from poppers and you don’t have blood pressure or heart conditions I say treat Viagra like a big juicy d*%k and pop it in your mouth.

There is no harm in taking Viagra recreationally (i.e. if you don’t have erectile dysfunction). Everyone needs to turbo-charge their erections once in a while. It’s like getting your d*$k drunk so you can take advantage of it. You know, like a date.

Hey Woody,

I can’t believe that you think it’s ok for a guy to cheat on his wife as long as it was with other men.  What kind of advice is that? You’re saying, “Damn the commitment, your d!*k comes first.”  With that line of reasoning gay men should feel free to break their commitment to each other as long as their d!*ks are genuinely hard for someone else.  What crap! You owe all of us who believe in monogamy, in keeping our promises, an apology.

— You Suck

Dear Suck:

What a piece of work you’ve gotta be to equate a man struggling with his sexual identity to a man struggling with his zipper. The guy’s wife gave him an ultimatum—“Explore your desire for other men and I’ll explore my desire for divorce lawyers.”  I said he needed to find out if his desire for men was stronger than his desire to stay with his wife.  

This may come as a shock, Mr. Any-dumber-and-we’d-have-to water-you, but some men are just mildly attracted to other men. They’re not all like my meat-starved, d!*k-hopping nympho readers who think vagina is the dyslexic spelling of angina. Some of them are more attracted to women than men. This guy may find out his desire for men isn’t that strong. Why should he get divorced to find that out?

I stand by my advice:  If you’re married to a woman do what you have to do before you make the switch and ditch the witch.  

You do bring up a good point, though: Are you “cheating” on your wife if you’re sleeping with men? The answer is yes. But you know what? The crime of infidelity pales to the crime of having the soul choked out of you. I’ve had just about enough of society giving us reason after reason why men shouldn’t love each other.  Fidelity to another woman is just another way of preventing us from realizing our true nature.  

Woody Miller
Woody Miller is 180 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal. At least when he looks in the mirror. He’s the author of How To Bottom Like A Porn Star and How To Top Like A Stud.



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