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How Do I Tell My Partner I Have Cancer?

Dear Andreus,

I recently found out that I have cancer.  The prognosis is not that great, but there is a chance that I could pull through.  The dilemma I have at this point, is that I do not want to tell my boyfriend.  In the last two years, he lost his mother and father both to cancer, and I am afraid of what it might do to him if I tell him.  There is a part of me that feels like he should know, but I want to save him the grief, since he is still grieving.  Any thoughts on what I should do?


Ethan P.

Dear Ethan,

First let me say as a survivor, that there is always hope.  Keep your head up, and always focus on the very best outcome. As far as your boyfriend is concerned, I would tell him.  I know that it might seem difficult, and maybe even cruel, but he deserves to know.  Imagine the amount of grief if something happened to you, and he found out afterwards.  I am more than certain that he would feel cheated.  Yes, it will be difficult for him to hear, but neither of you needs to take your journeys alone.  Telling him might be just the medicine that both of you need to heal.  Sending you healing vibes and well wishes.

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