Home Happening Out Television Network Queer News Tonight ‘Say Gay’ Florida Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith Faces $330,000 GOP TV Ad...

‘Say Gay’ Florida Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith Faces $330,000 GOP TV Ad Buy

One of America’s most watched election campaigns is happening in Florida. State House Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith, an LGBTQ+ Democrat from Orlando is running for reelection next Tuesday. Smith received national attention for framing ‘Don’t Say Gay’ as part of the LGBTQ Caucus in Tallahassee. During the 2022 session he was a powerful voice against Governor Ron DeSantis. The radical GOP and the 2024 Presidential hopeful won.

On Saturday the GOP had a $330,000 new TV ad buy against Guillermo Carlos Smith for the last week of the campaign. The voice of the fight against DeSantis and ‘Don’t Say Gay’ took to Twitter then followed up by email to say “Unfortunately, Halloween has arrived with some pretty scary news.

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