Home Happening Out Television Network OUTshine Film Festival Closes 2023 With Three Nights A Week’ Film, Party...

OUTshine Film Festival Closes 2023 With Three Nights A Week’ Film, Party And Awards, Sunday, April 30

In this video, we bring you the latest news about @OUTshineFilmFestival, which closed its 2023 edition with a three-night film, party, and awards event on Sunday, April 30th. The festival showcased a delightful film called “Three Nights A Week,” which takes viewers on a deep dive into the world of drag performance and gay culture, with contributions from more than 40 French drag artists. The director’s love for the art form is evident in every frame, making it a wonderful experience for both those who are familiar with drag and those who are not. In addition to the film, the closing night party featured bites, an open bar, and an awards celebration, recognizing the best films in various categories, including audience favorite. Don’t miss this recap of the Outshine Film Festival’s closing night, which promises to be an unforgettable experience for all.

Queer News Tonight

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