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Queer Faith Reaction To Jesus And St. Paul Being Asexual And Everyone In Heaven Is Non Binary

In a historic 692-51 vote in North Carolina, the United Methodist Church (UMC) repealed its ban on LGBTQ clergy and officiating same-sex weddings. Despite this progressive shift, significant opposition to LGBTQ+ rights in the United States still emanate s from Christian pulpits. Many preachers use the Bible to denounce sexual and gender diversity, condemning homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, and gender nonconformity, including non-binary and transgender identities. While certain biblical passages may seem unfriendly towards homosexuals and gender-non-conformists, the Bible also promotes kindness, peace, generosity and compassion. It encourages readers to love one another. St. Paul, who is often quoted to demoralize LGBTQ persons, wrote that “in Christ we are neither male nor female” (Galatians 3.28). He also said that love is the fulfillment of religious law (Romans 13.8) and that love is a fruit of the spirit and there is no divine prohibition against love (Galatians 5.22 & 24). Jesus, the central figure of the New Testament, welcomed outcasts into his circle of friendship, reflecting this inclusive ethos. Interestingly, Jesus is usually portrayed as being asexual, and Queer theologians make a case for his intimate relationship with at least one man. St. Paul also appears as an asexual figure in his writings. This historical sexual diversity underscores a broader message. According to Jesus, acceptance and love should transcend traditional boundaries, both in this life and the afterlife. Applying sexual identity to Jesus, St Paul and to the entire realm of Heaven creates violent reaction from conservatives and evangelicals. The question really is, should it?

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