In the book of Genesis Abram gives a tenth of the spoils of war to the priestly king Melchizedek.
In Leviticus we read, “’A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” Proverbs 3.9 tells the community it was for to give the first fruits of the harvest to God (via the place of worship), and the prophet Malachi exhorts his readers to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse.
Did you ever consider that same-gender loving people could be God’s tithe to the world?
Tithe means tenth, we’ve known for decades that about 10% of people have had at least one homosexual experience. About 6-7% identify as gay or lesbian, and about 25% identify as something other than heterosexual or cis-gender.
But in that mix, there is the 10% figure. Is God giving the world 10% of humanity as a special gift? And, whether we are looking at the 6% who claim a same-sex attraction orientation or the 25% who are somewhere under the Queer umbrella, we are still talking about the possibility of a significant percentage of humanity being a special gift to humanity. Life seems to have set apart a percentage of humanity to be special, unique, creative, and a blessing to many. If you are LGBTQ, you might for real be God’s gift to the world.