In the bible we see Jesus throwing a fit when businesses exploit pilgrims visiting the Temple. Jesus says it is easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to experience the realm of God. Wealth and power were temptations he faced in the wilderness, and he concluded that rather than worshiping power one ought to only serve goodness and love (aka God). When Jesus saw a poor widow giving two small coins to the Temple treasury, he praised her generosity.
She gave with love and she literally gave all she could, and to Jesus, that was worth more than much larger gifts given for less righteous reasons. When Peter tried to defend Jesus, Jesus told him to put away his sword. Jesus preached, “Blessed are the merciful.” We see a man intimately reclining on Jesus’ chest and Jesus tells his disciples that they should be known for their loving-kindness. Jesus quoted the Torah’s command that we love our neighbor, and he gave the golden rule. He said, “Woe to you who neglect justice.”
Jesus said to give clothes to people in need, turn the other cheek, and pray for people you can’t stand. He also prayed that his tormentors be pardoned for acting out of ignorance. That’s the Jesus we find in the New Testament. That is a stark contrast to MAGA Jesus who is suspicious of foreigners, intolerant of gays, antagonistic toward their trans-neighbors, and daily vilifies people in ways that they would find offensive if they were treated in the same manner. In fact, in contrast to the justice-seeking, love-commanding Jesus, the MAGA messiah recently declared: the U.S. will be woke no longer.
In short, Bible Jesus wants people to be generous, kind, and fair while MAGA Jesus only cares about MAGA folk (and not really all of them). The Bible Jesus seems cool. MAGA Jesus seems like a jerk. Who could possibly prefer MAGA Jesus to Bible Jesus? Queer God Squad, weigh in!