We all share this one planet, and we will all fare better if we care about one another. We shouldn’t have to be transgender to care about transgender people and the struggles they face. We don’t have to be queer to care about equal justice and equal opportunity for LGBTQ+ people. We don’t need to be Black to affirm that Black Lives Matter. And we don’t need to be women of child-bearing years to care about Reproductive Justice.
In fact, Queer people are uniquely poised to discuss sexual health, the ethics of sex for pleasure, body appreciation, the dignity of self-determination, the similarities between the imagery and language for the erotic and for the sacred, and the joys of communal child-rearing over against the patriarchal heterosexist nuclear family model. Queer folk should care about reproductive justice because Queer folk know what it’s like to fight for the right to live free while others try to control, limit, or erase our sexuality. We are justice-seeking people, and we should want liberty and justice for all people. So, let’s talk about reproductive justice.