Home Columns Dishing with Mark And Carrie GaYBOR District’s Holiday Decorating Contest

GaYBOR District’s Holiday Decorating Contest

It’s a tradition that gets all the Ybor City shop owners getting competitive. It is the 4th Annual GaYBOR Holiday Store Front Decorating Contest. To the amazement of all out of the area visitors and regulars to Ybor City, the store owners decorated up a frenzy of holiday gaiety! The competition was open to all stores, retail shops, bars, clubs, hotels, and offices. There was an extra prize going out to residences in the historic district who decorated the exterior of their homes and condos. There are five winning categories all competing to win up to $1,000 baskets of prizes from other retailers in Ybor City. Hundreds took part in this year’s fun annual colorful competition! There was a party held at the Honey Pot’s third floor. 160+ business owners, city officials, residents and…

It’s a tradition that gets all the Ybor City shop owners getting competitive. It is the 4th Annual GaYBOR Holiday Store Front Decorating Contest. To the amazement of all out of the area visitors and regulars to Ybor City, the store owners decorated up a frenzy of holiday gaiety! The competition was open to all stores, retail shops, bars, clubs, hotels, and offices. There was an extra prize going out to residences in the historic district who decorated the exterior of their homes and condos. There are five winning categories all competing to win up to $1,000 baskets of prizes from other retailers in Ybor City. Hundreds took part in this year’s fun annual colorful competition! There was a party held at the Honey Pot’s third floor. 160+ business owners, city officials, residents and members attended the holiday soiree. Food was donated by Gaspar’s Grotto, JJ’s, Laughing Cat, Luigi’s, and New York New York Pizza restaurants and the bar was donated by Southern Comfort. There was entertainment by Esme Russell, Amy DeMilo,

Robyn DeMorrnay, Meanie Minyon, and Summer Alexander and there was music by Judy B. Goode & pianoman Paul Thomas.

Decoration category winners were:

Best Decorated Retail- Hoffman Porges Art Gallery at 1907 7th;
Best Decorated Club/Bar- Ybor Ritz at 1503 7th Ave.
Best Decorated Restaurant – Hot Willy’s Hot Dogs on North 1604 17th St.
Best Decorated House/ Condo – Jeff Duck & Bud McAfee at 1910 E. 4th Ave.
Best Decorated Group Effort category – Sherry Matone, Kim Cheeley and Brett Diebold at 1406 – 1408-1410 E. 4th Ave.

Thank You ALL for helping to brighten our spirits and make more cheer in historic Ybor City during the holidays.

Historic Holiday Spirit in Ybor City “Art in the Park”

What do people remember and think about in Ybor City? Art shows. Well, a juried “2nd Annual Art in The Park” by Tampa Park’s & Recreation Department took place in Centennial Park with a hundred artists all competing for big prize money. It coincided with the weekly Saturday produce and crafts market. Huge crowds came to see and purchase art items of every demeanor on the sunny fall day.

” A great time to be outside and enjoy the Ybor festivities” said Ybor Saturday Market manager, Lynn Schultz.

The art show was a big draw along with the 25 cent TECO Streetcar rides. Virginia Johnson, a newscaster reporter and host of “Out On the Town” on Bay News 9, emceed the outside stage entertainment all afternoon. Yes, even Santa Claus came to Ybor City by the historic streetcar.

The month long planned Historic Holiday Spirit in Historic Ybor City continues on with more upcoming festive events for the whole family.

Mark And Carrie



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