Home Happening Out Television Network Prime Minister Netanyahu Tells Joint Congress ‘Gays For Gaza Is Like Chickens...

Prime Minister Netanyahu Tells Joint Congress ‘Gays For Gaza Is Like Chickens For KFC’

Yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of Congress. The fiery defense of the invasion of Palestine included a direct call out against the American LGBTQ community. He suggested that the defense of Hammas was the success of money and politics coming from Iran. He said that those US supporters had become “Iran’s useful idiots”. He then specifically called out LGBTQ+ support for Hammas by saying “Gays for Gaza is like chickens for KFC.” (VIDEO)The reference is a historical observation to the contradiction of support that is illogical to its final conclusion. A famous example is 1939 support from some jews of the growing presence in Germany for the Nazi party. The phrase was (Jews for Hitler) (Gays for Gaza is like chickens for KFC) makes reference to the unconditional rejection of LGBTQ by muslim governments including Hamas. Meanwhile, during the speech, protests were going on in the capital by Palestinian supporters against Netanyahu and arguments that he and Israel are committing war crimes in Palestine.

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