Home Happening Out Television Network Queer God Squad Gay Holy Man Murdered In South Africa

Gay Holy Man Murdered In South Africa

Muhsin Hendricks, a South African Islamic scholar who may have been the world’s first openly gay Imam, was killed Feb. 15 in South Africa. It was believed the Imam was preparing to officiate a lesbian wedding, but the BBC later reported that was inaccurate information. The imam was actually scheduled to do an interfaith wedding for a straight couple.

Julia Ehrt, executive director at ILGA World (an international LGBTQ organization), noted, “[The imam] supported and mentored so many people in South Africa and around the world in their journey to reconcile with their faith, and his life has been a testament to the healing that solidarity across communities can bring in everyone’s lives.”

Muhsin Hendricks came out as gay in 1996. Muhsin said at a 2024 conference: “Religion is probably one of the main things that has created mental health issues and trauma within our communities, but at the same time we have narratives of queer people of faith who are talking about how religion has actually saved and healed them. But what kind of religion is that? It’s that religion where we, queer people, can disconnect from those parts that are extremist and don’t speak to inclusivity and compassion.”

Imam Daayiee Abdullah posted on social media: “It is with a heavy heart that I acknowledge the tragic loss of my dear friend and fellow openly gay imam, Muhsin Hendricks, who was taken from us far too soon. Muhsin was…a courageous voice for LGBTQ+ Muslims, not only in South Africa but around the world. His work was a testament to the power of faith, love, and authenticity. Muhsin inspired countless Muslims and non-Muslims to embrace who they are while remaining steadfast in their spiritual journey. His mission for inclusivity, understanding, and justice will forever remain a part of his legacy.” Verily he belonged to Allah, and verily, to Allah, he has returned.
We at the Queer God Squad honor the life and legacy of Imam Muhsin Hendricks.

Happening Out Television Network

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