Vaudeville at Bianca es un evento nuevo cada miércoles en el hotel Delano de South Beach. El término vaudeville refiere a una clase de actuaciones populares en los EEUU durante los siglos XIX y XX. En estos shows, que generalmente viajaron de un lugar a otro, grupos de actores, músicos, cantantes, y otros artistas presentaron sus talentos en un tipo de show de variedad. Esto es exactamente lo que imaginaba Peter J. Morales, organizador de Vaudeville at Bianca, cuando tenía la oportunidad de planear algo nuevo en el Delano. ¨Crecí en Miami y recuerdo que antes eran muchos programas y lugares para destacar el talento de Miami, durante los años 90, trabaja como gerente en el Lucky Changs, un drag bar de la época. Quería traer algo de esta era a Miami Beach porque nos hace falta por varios años ya.¨
Al escuchar su idea, los gerentes del Delano la gustaban. Intentaban comenzar con una noche ¨gay¨en el hotel, y con su idea de drag queens, burlesco, cantantes, y músicos, Morales les presentó algo que no antes imaginaban los del Delano, pero sí les fascinaban. ¨Querían comenzar tan pronto como posible, como a principios de mayo, pero les pregunté para unos meses para planear y conseguir el talento necesario. ¨Comenzamos el primero de julio con gran éxito que ha seguido cada semana desde entonces. Estamos en el comedor principal del restaurante, que permite 80 personas y estamos totalmente completo casi cada semana. Cuando llega la temporada alta tenemos planes de añadir más mesas en la terraza.¨ dijo Morales.
Lo fantástico del show en el restaurante Bianca es que la comida está incluida. Todo comienza en el lobby del hotel con un prosecco o un Absolute Cosmopolitan, y al abrir las puertas todo el mundo se encuentra su mesa y la anfitriona Adora abre el show. El menú es un Prix fixe que incluye una ensalada, un aperitivo para compartir con la mesa, la cena y el postre. Después del éxito de los primeros meses y al ver tantos clientes volviendo cada semana, decidieron cambiar el menú así que ahora cuentan con tres menús diferentes que rotan cada semana.
Cada 15 minutos hay un acto diferente hasta las 11. Presentan diferentes actuaciones cada semana pero tienen varios interpretantes que van a volver cada mes. Morales dijo ¨el pianista Víctor Valdez tocará cada mes, Aurora Natrix, una artista del burlesco, y EnVee del programa Yo soy artista en Telemundo, también van a volver cada més. Continuaba ¨Este mes de septiembre, contamos con TP Lords y Willow Bierce Austin y en octubre viene la increíble Lady Bunny¨
Después del show, les invitan a todo el mundo a un ¨after party¨ en el lobby. Con la música del DEEJAY SMEEJAY, el espectáculo sigue, con un elenco en disfraces increíbles. ¨Tenemos planes de mudar el after party al FDR Club en el piso de abajo, pero estamos esperando nuestro evento especial en el Halloween.¨
Para más información, visítales en Para reservar una mesa, llame al 305-674-5752 o email BIANCAVIP@MHGC.COM
Vaudeville at Bianca is a new weekly event every Wednesday at the Delano Hotel in South Beach. The term vaudeville refers to a style of performance popular in the US during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In those shows, which usually traveled from one town to another, groups of actors, musicians, singers and other artists would showcase their talents in the original variety show. That type of show is exactly what Peter J. Morales, the show’s organizer and producer, had in mind when he was presented with the opportunity to plan something new at the Delano. “I grew up in Miami and I remember that there used to be a bunch of places that showcased talent here,” said Morales. He went on to say “During the 90’s I worked as a manager at Lucky Changs, a drag bar that was one of those places. I wanted to bring something like that back to Miami Beach because it’s been gone for years.”
After hearing his idea for a variety show, the people at the Delano like it, they had been looking to start a “gay night” at the hotel so his thoughts of drag queens, burlesque, singers, and musicians really piqued their interest. It wasn’t something that they had thought of, but they went with it. “They wanted to start ASAP, like in May, but I asked them for a few months to plan and get in touch with the talent that it was going to take to pull it off. We kicked things off July 1 and it was a huge success that has continued every week since. We are in the main dining room of the restaurant. It seats 80 people and we are selling out every week. Once the season gets here, we are planning on adding more tables for the show out on the terrace” Morales said.
The great thing about the show in Bianca restaurant is that dinner is included. It all starts in the hotel lobby with a glass of prosecco or an Absolute Cosmopolitan. Once the doors are opened, everyone is seated and the hostess Adora opens the show. The menu is prix fixe and includes a salad, an appetizer for the table to split, an entrée and dessert. After a successful first few months, they noticed that there were a bunch of returning customers so they decided to add new options; now they have 3 menus that they are rotating on a weekly basis.
Every 15 minutes, there is a different act and they keep going throughout dinner until 11pm. They have different performers every week but there are several who will be making monthly appearances. Morales says “ the pianist Victor Valdez will play every month the Burlesque artist Aurora Natrix and EnVee from Yo soy artista on Telemundo will also perform on a monthly basis.” He went on to say: “This month we will feature TP Lords and Willow Bierce Austin and in October Lady Bunny will be here.”
After the show, they invite everyone back into the lobby for an afterparty with the performers. With music by DEEJAY SMEEJAY the spectacle continues with more performers in incredible costumes. “We have plans to move the after party downstairs in the FDR Club but we are waiting for our special Halloween event.
For more information, visit them at To reserve a table call 305-674-5752 or email BIANCAVIP@MHGC.COM