
Charles Moran, president of The Log Cabin Republicans , shared a post on Twitter, saying, “It’s official! The national GOP platform has been stripped of all anti-LGBT language! Inclusion won! Thank you @realDonaldTrump!” However, Moran’s declaration was quickly met with backlash from fellow conservatives. We are showing you the avalanche against Moran and The Log Cabin Republicans as being pedophiles, sick and not welcome in the GOP. Moran’s tweet included a photo of himself holding a booklet-sized version of the newly revised Republican Party platform. While the platform removed the party’s long-standing opposition to same-sex marriage, it still emphasizes traditional family values. Chapter 8, Section 1 states, “Republicans will promote a Culture that values the Sanctity of Marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents. We will end policies that punish families.” The GOP platform includes sections dedicated to banning LGBTQ content from schools and rolling back legal protections for LGBTQ individuals. It also promises “religious liberty” protections for Christians who discriminate against queer people and aims to keep “Christian-hating” individuals out of the country. Barely 34 minutes after Moran’s tweet, one conservative user commented, “You are a disgusting pedophile.” Others joined in, calling Moran “disgusting” and a “faggot.” People also mocked Moran for supporting Republicans and believing they would accept him. The moment demonstrates the tremendous contradictions that LCR represents in the GOP.

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