In Issue 32
Dating Dilemnas
No one wants to be single. Some people take time off from relationships to find themselves, concentrate on career or finish school, but ultimately we all want to meet someone to share our lives with. Yet when you meet someone who’s obviously a catch, you wonder why they’re alone. They may have a million excuses for why they haven’t met someone special. This might be you. If you’re one of the excuse makers, we’ve got a few arguments to help you get back to dating.
There’s No Time
How long did it take you to read the last paragraphs? That’s about how long it takes to zip through five profiles online and see if anyone catches your eye. Shoot them a wink, an email or a cyber-hug. If you aren’t taking the initiative to go to bars, mixers and singles events, you aren’t making yourself available. What do you have to lose by trying a chat room or responding to an online profile? If the web isn’t your thing, try a speed dating or matchmaking service. Let someone else do the preliminary work for you.
All The Good Ones Are Taken
We complain that all the good ones are taken. So why are you alone? Chances are there are many other people who stay home on a Saturday night for the same reason. Why go out when the good ones are already in couples? These couples probably felt the same way you do before they met. Take a chance on letting one of the good ones find you.
I’ve Been Burned Too Many Times
We’ve all had our hearts broken. That doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel. Take a look at the people you’ve fallen for in the past. Do they have anything in common? Do the relationships move too fast? Maybe you have a habit of going from 0-60 before you’ve taken your foot off the brake. There are a million questions you can ask yourself when a relationship fails. Giving up because you’re afraid you may get hurt again is not an excuse. Get back on the horse, NOW. There are no guarantees in love, only happiness or heartache. It’s one or the other.
I Do Better On My Own
“I’m better single,” is a common excuse if you haven’t found success in a relationship. Seeing other people in relationships is frustrating. When you’re single it seems like everyone else is married or dating. No one will ever find you if you’re married to your job or staying at home. And you’re never going to find anyone who makes you smile if you simply say, “I’m not dating at all.” Try to enjoy being single by planning activities and being with people who have similar interests. You never know who you might meet.
I’m Not The Dating Type
No one is the dating type. Most people dislike dating altogether. It’s hard work and time consuming. Spending many nervous dinners recycling banter about your life, job, exes and family in the hopes of finding a spark with someone is just part of the unavoidable process. But when you do find that spark, it’s amazing and like nothing you’ve felt before. The things in life truly worth enjoying are those you take a risk for. Get out of your “not the dating type” mindset and ask someone out on a date. The more you date the easier it gets.
No One Piques My Interest
To say no one piques your interest probably means your standards for a date are way too high. If you’re looking for your perfect mate you won’t find him or her anytime soon. The perfect man or woman doesn’t exist. But the perfect person for YOU does. There IS someone for everyone. Look beyond the superficial and take a chance on dating someone outside of your “perfect type.” You might be surprised by what you’ll find or who you might meet. It could be interesting.
People Just Aren’t That Into Me
If you walk into every social situation thinking no one’s going to like you, they won’t. We’ve all had our share of rejection. It doesn’t mean no one wants you. It only indicates that you haven’t met the person yet who’s really into you. And someone will be. We all have our insecurities. Be confidant and take the chance of being rejected. The more you’re rejected the closer you are to meeting someone special.
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