In Issue 34
Peeler Built – Hotspots Magazine exclusive interview with Brian Peeler of Workout
Were you always into sports?
I never played team sports in high school because I wasn’t in the click. However I played in local county leagues and was very active and played lots of sports outside of teams including football, baseball and I did a lot of biking.
At what age did you start working out and taking an interest in your body?
In middle school I took a weight lifting class, but it wasn’t till I was 16-18 when I really started to work out. When I turned 21 is when I really started hammering it.
When did you become interested in physical fitness as a career?
I received my personal training certificate at 21, but it wasn’t until I moved to LA when I was 24 that I really started using it. I really can’t explain the feeling you get when you teach people how to do things they don’t know how to do on their own. I guess it’s like a teacher watching a student graduate.
How did you get cast on the show Workout?
A buddy of mine was going to the audition and I just decided to go with him. I kind of crashed the audition. The casting was billed originally as a documentary for trainers and it did not say anything about Bravo. After waiting for 3 hours with no explanation I decided to tell the producers off thinking it was very unprofessional of them. I think they liked my personality and I was cast in December of 05’.
There was a big stir when you got into an argument with Jackie and were fired. Was the fight as bad as it seemed on TV?
Yeah, it was 100% real! The fight was about Jackie making fun of a woman who had breast cancer and me defending it. That episode aired on a Tuesday and we lost funding for the show on Friday.
What’s your relationship with Jackie now?
I have seen her out and I do not hold a grudge, but to be honest we do not talk.
How has life been for you post Workout?
Life has been great and business has been really good. I get nicer tables in restaurants; I did the NOH8 campaign yesterday. I want to educate the world about the gay and lesbian culture through a straight voice.
How does your training style differ from other trainers?
Well when I train you are going to laugh as we are going to have fun. I really try and motivate people to feel good about themselves and get into shape. My style is pretty unorthodox and I try and teach you things you can’t do yourself.
You have a huge gay following. What are your thoughts about this?
I love my gays, kind of like Kathy Griffin does. My best friend was gay and I lost him to HIV. He opened my mind to the gay community. We are all human beings and we shouldn’t be segregated by sexual preference, race, etc.
What’s ahead for Brian?
I developed a TV show that I am in the process of trying to sell. It is similar to The Biggest Loser but deals with the families and to work fitness into their everyday lifestyles. I also own a construction company and build homes.
If someone wants your training services how do they get in touch with you?
I will be in Florida from August 28th until September 7th. I am coming to celebrate my birthday on September 3rd. On Monday, August 31st from 8 am to 5 pm I am teaching private training classes at Golds Gym in South Beach. I will also be teaching 2 boot camps which only cost $30 per person. The first is on Monday, August 31st at 6:30 pm at Flamingo Park and the second is on Tuesday, September 1st at 6:30 pm in Fort Lauderdale in front of the Bahia Mar Hotel in the park on the beach.
To book Brian for a personal training session call him at 661-312-4372 or e-mail him at either PeelerBuilt@yahoo.com or BrianaPeeler@yahoo.com