anothony defina

anothony defina


Super sexy Australian Anthony Defina (Defina for short) has taken his home country by storm and is racking up many chart topping hits including “It’s All About Sex” and “Pornstar” to name a few. The track he recently finished with British producer Paul James, “Go A little Deeper,” was signed to the 8025 Alliance label (DJ Maximus 3000’s Miami-based record label) exclusively in America and Canada.

anthony defina

Super sexy Australian Anthony Defina (Defina for short) has taken his home country by storm and is racking up many chart topping hits including “It’s All About Sex” and “Pornstar” to name a few. The track he recently finished with British producer Paul James, “Go A little Deeper,” was signed to the 8025 Alliance label (DJ Maximus 3000’s Miami-based record label) exclusively in America and Canada. As he gets ready to perform at 2 of Florida’s hottest locations, the Living Room Nightclub and the Flamingo Resort, it was nice to sit down and chat with this very sexy Australian import.


anthony defina

At what age did you start singing?
My singing career started at age 19; it’s always been my first love.

When did you realize that you wanted to sing for a living?
As soon as I wrote and recorded my first song, I knew that music was for me. Itís a hard business, so I had to maintain some odd jobs.

You have had a few hits in Australia. How has fame changed your life there?
I really don’t consider myself famous; I’m just a down to earth guy with a few hits!

anthony definaSome of your hits were featured on “Big Brother Australia.” How exciting was that and how did it help your career?
To hear your music played on any large scale is a great accomplishment. I was astonished! Any exposure is good exposure.

You have toured throughout your home nation of Australia and throughout Europe. What’s the difference?
Australia and Europe are very similar in music tastes, now America – that’s the challenge!

anthony definaHow have you prepared to make your US debuts as opening acts for Keisha and Lady GaGa?

Gym! Gym! Gym! Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! My manager Frank takes care of me and makes sure I’m in check.

Your hits and your live shows are very sexual and sexually ambiguous. How do you define yourself sexually?

I love to have go-go boys and sexy female dancers perform with me. It’s something for everybody. I just want to make music people love and do performances that are sexy. I want people to leave my show and say, “wow!” Does music count as being a sexual preference?

What’s ahead for Defina?
Defina is going to take over the world! Watch out Madonna!

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Scott Holland