
For Immediate Release:

(St. Petersburg, FL) June 25, 2015 – Today, the LGBT Welcome Center in St. Petersburg is proudly flying a giant rainbow flag above Central Avenue, and will be at the heart of Metro’s outreach to the community throughout St. Pete Pride weekend. Our mission has always been to provide quality health and wellness services. We’ve celebrated the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community for over 22 years. As we look to the coming year, the highlight of this year’s Pride season is Metro’s next big step in providing full health and wellness for our community.Metro-banner

Since expanding its services over a year ago, Metro became the first in the area to truly provide a comprehensive care home model with all HIV services under one roof in collaboration with Community AIDS Network (CAN). Our Centers provide full wrap-around services including case management, counseling, prevention and education, HIV medical care, in-house pharmacy services, food and hygiene banks, and more.

Once again leading the way in Community Health Care, Metro will open the first   LGBTQ Primary Care Clinics in Tampa Bay. Located right inside of the LGBTQ Community Centers in both Tampa and St. Petersburg, these new LGBTQ Primary Care Clinics will provide PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis – a powerful HIV prevention tool), STD and Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment, HRT and Transgender Health Care, Gay & Lesbian Primary Care, In Vitro Fertilization, and Psychiatric Care.

David-Lyter,-MD-MPHDavid W. Lyter, MD, MPH will be joining our team as Metro’s first Medical Director and first full-time primary care physician. During this year’s St. Pete Pride Street Festival, Dr. Lyter, along with our CAN Medical Team and staff will be available at the Metro booth between 22nd and 23rd Streets, (in front of the LGBT Welcome Center).

Metro continues to be the Center for all of the community, offering programs and services for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) communities, those affected and infected by HIV, and allies. To learn more

Health Wellness + Community

Metropolitan Charities, Inc. d/b/a Metro Wellness and Community Centers is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to provide quality health and wellness services that are inclusive, relevant, support, and represent the lifetime continuum of the diverse people in our community. 

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