Last week the NGLCC (National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s) has their annual convention in Fort Lauderdale. There were many events, including socials, seminars, and an expo all taking place at the Marriot Harbor Beach (except the opening mixer which took place at the Gallery of Amazing Things in Dania). Last Thursday, the GLBX (Gay and Lesbian Business Exchange) presented their monthly After Hours Mixer at the Pelican Grand Hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach. On Friday, was the much anticipated opening of Gym Sports bar right (next to the Village Pub) which was packed on Friday and Saturday night. Saturday morning was Poverello’s annual Bowling to Fight Hunger (Bowl-a-thon) which once again was a huge success. Saturday evening began with Pridelines annual Masquerade Ball at the Biltmore Hotel to a once again sold out crowd. Afterwards, we went to Boardwalk to celebrate Omar and Corrie’s birthday. Then it was off to Hunters Nightclub for their monthly WOOF! Fort Lauderdale, which this month starred DJ Ron G. from Chicago along with resident DJ Doug Jackson. We ended the night at the Manor where they were featuring Ivy Winters of Ru Paul’s Drag Race in the Ballroom and celebrating Champagne Bordeaux’s birthday on the Latin Lounge and Patio.
Thursday, August 20
The Pride Factory presents “Create Your Own Sale” from today until August 26 where if you spend $50 you save $5 and if you spend $100 you save $15. The more you spend, the more you save.
SAVE’s 3rd Annual Luminary Awards will be held at the Bacardi Headquarters (2701 S. Le Jeune Road in Coral Gables) from 6 to 9pm. For more information visit
As excitement continues to build for the October 9th opening of Fort Lauderdale’s MiFo LGBT Film Festival (, organizers present a screening of Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party at Fort Lauderdale’s Classic Gateway Theatre on Thursday, at 7 pm. Written and directed by Steven Cone, this tender and charming new feature unfolds over a 24-hour period in the life of Henry Gamble, on the occasion of his 17th birthday. Henry is the likable son of a newly ordained pastor at a large evangelical church, and the lives of his family and friends are deeply embedded within a squeaky clean devotional world of faith. At Henry’s party, the Gambles’ well-appointed home welcomes a friendly gaggle of hormonal teenagers from both church and Henry’s non-denominational high school, as well as earnest young adult church counselors and congregational elders—all striving to define on their own terms an acceptable balance between reverences and frolicking. Set to a soaring synth-pop soundtrack that spans the decades and featuring naturalistic performances from a winning cast of fresh faces, Henry Gamble’s 17th proves to be one unforgettable birthday party.
Friday, August 21
Scott Wilbanks is the author of a new book, The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster, which bestselling authors have deemed “quirky, one-of-a-kind” and “truly unforgettable.” You’ll have your chance to meet him on today at 8 p.m. at Books & Books Coral Gables, where there will be cocktails, a reading, a Q&A session and a book signing.
The Ramrod presents their monthly Mandance (third Friday of the month). This is a leather/fetish event and stars DJ Herbie James.
Saturday, August 22
Salt This Way (2286 Wilton Drive) invites everyone to their Grand Opening from 4:30 to 7:30pm. They want to show you how they can help you on your path to health. There will be door prizes, raffles and special discounts. RSVP required by emailing
Stonewall Author Series presents “I’ll Find A Way: An Author’s Journey Of Love And Acceptance For Her Gay Son” by Deon Davis at the Stonewall National Museum – Wilton Manors Gallery (2157 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors) at 4pm. In I’ll Find a Way, Davis describes her particular parenting challenge—raising a gay son who was suffering from self-inflicted pain, depression, suicidal thoughts, and the fear of self-acceptance. She describes her son’s eventual self-acceptance and his bumpy road to becoming an intelligent, honorable, and respected gay young man. Davis takes us on a journey of love, acceptance, and understanding as we watch her struggling gay son learn to accept himself. Also presented will be books from Deon Davis’s “Beanie & the Bully Series” on bullying and bullying prevention.
The Manor Saturdays presents a Voi Toi Swimwear Fashion Show with celebrity DJ David Knapp spinning. In the Ivy Lounge and Patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents special guests Taina Norell and Sasha Lords along with DJ Nena. Saturdays at the Manor are from 11pm to 4 am and feature fabulous productions, sexy dancers and no cover before midnight and only $5 after midnight for members and $7 for non-members.
Sunday, August 23
Salt This Way invites everyone to their Morning Tea from 11am to 1 pm. They invite everyone to go and relax and hear about all the services they have. There will be door prizes, raffles and special discounts. RSVP required by emailing
Tuesday, August 25
Four special community advocates and Broward House volunteers will be honored on today at Broward House’s Spirit of Hope Grand Reception. Join the honorees and hundreds of civic-minded community members at S3 Restaurant (505 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd.) from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. for an evening of recognition, where Broward House and the community say thanks to this year’s Spirit of Hope honorees. Tickets are available for purchase right now at and selecting “Upcoming Broward House Events” and the Spirit of Hope Grand Reception. The price is $100 per person.
Wednesday, August 26
Starting today and going through Sunday, August 30, My Tropixxx presents 40% off for all Ruby Members.
Everglades Angels Dog Rescue presents a benefit at Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar entitled “Mutts in the Manor” from 6-10pm. A $20 donation gets you 1 free drink, appetizers, live entertainment starring LaNore Jaye and Dezhon Fields. The event will also feature a 50/50 and a silent auction.
Today is National Dog Day, and The Galleria Mall is celebrating with the official unveiling of the Bow Wow 100 Photograph Gallery at 5 p.m. Throughout the month of August, the Galleria asks their shoppers to post photos of their dogs to Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #GalleriaFtLaudDogDays. The 100 best images, as chosen by The Galleria, will be used in the photo installation.
This is HOT
Singer-songwriter and vocal powerhouse Emily West released her debut album, All For You via Portrait/Sony Music Masterworks last week. All For You features the first single “Bitter.” Driven by her love and fear of New York City, West got on a plane, got lost on the subway, and found herself auditioning for America’s Got Talent. This gave her the opportunity to demonstrate her vulnerability and versatility to a wide audience. As a finalist on Season 9, West won crowds over, including AGT judge Howard Stern, with re-imagined version of songs like the Moody Blues’ “Nights in White Satin,” Sia’s hit “Chandelier,” and Cyndi Lauper’s classic “True Colors,” all of which appear on her upcoming album, along with three original songs. Lauper, one of West’s greatest supporters and mentors, performed “True Colors” on AGT with West, a track which resonated with fans from multiple generations. For more information on Emily West see the feature in this issue or visit: