Ru Paul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 5
Episodes 2, 3 and 4: Ongina, Mariah and Mayhem
When episode 2 starts Ru explains that for the maxi challenge the girls will be debuting the newest All Star hit “I’m in Love.” Working in groups each of the girls will write and record their I’m in Love verse to the celebrity man crush of their choice. Then they will create a group look and choreography. Since India won last week, she decides who her 2 biggest competitors are and she picks Shea and Blair, and they all become team captains. They then get to pick their group members. The teams are India, JuJu and Alexis; Blair, Miz Cracker and Mayhem, and Shea, Mariah and Ongina.
This week’s guest judges are music sensation Madison Beer and actress Tessa Thompson. We then see the show the girls produced followed by the runway look, which this week is “Love the skin your in.” In the end the winner is Shea Coulee and she wins a 6 night all-inclusive trip for 2 to Puerto Vallarta, and the bottom 3 are India, Mariah, and Ongina. Shea has to Lip Sync for her legacy against this week’s lip Sync assassin, the one and only Alyssa Edwards. Shea wins and gets $20,000 (10 from this week and 10 that was rolled over from last week) and gets to decide which of the bottom 3 is sent home. She sends Ongina home (full disclosure…Ongina in the lounge said that they should send her home, because she didn’t think it was fair to send India or Mariah home).
It was a pleasure to sit down with Ongina for this Hotspots exclusive interview.
How has your life changed since you were on Drag Race?
It’s changed a lot. I have moved to 10 different addresses in 12 years. I found the love of my life, and I have become an advocate for HIV/AIDS. I also have worked a lot on my drag to evolve as much as I can.
Tell me about the love of your life?
I met my husband Ryan on Facebook. He reached out with a cute message, and I responded, and we started communicating. It really was love at first sight and we have now been together for 10 years. He balances my crazy.
What has been some of your favorite cities to visit as a RuPaul Alumni?
Port Alegra in Brazil is number 1, but I loved Brisbane in Australia, as well as London and Dublin which have both been amazing for me. In the US, New York, Florida, Seattle and Portland. I have been lucky to become friends with a lot of my fans. Looking forward to seeing them soon when the world opens up again.
How exciting was it to get called back for All Stars?
It was super exciting. I was filming with Tammy Brown for her series, and I was in the middle of a scene when I got the call. I was incredibly happy.
How did you prepare differently for all stars than you did the first time you were on the show?
I took out a loan to get lots of outfits made. In season 1, we had a one sheeter and it was very vague. This time the instructions were very detailed. Also, I mentally surrounded myself with creative people. I felt it was finally time for me.
Now that you have been eliminated, who do you want to win?
I am team Shea as I really love her and she was so incredible to me and very patient. I also love my sister JuJu, and I don’t want her to be a bridesmaid anymore.
There was some beef between you and Miz Cracker…she apologized, and you seemed to accept the apology, but I saw your post….what happened?
Going into all-stars I was rooting for her and I admired her, and that what hurt me the most. After I saw the episode the wound was re-opened. After my post she reached out to me, and we are working on the relationship. I put a caution tape around myself, and I am so happy we can get past this.
How hard was it to keep the secret that you are on all stars?
It is a very long time that we have to stay quiet. I am good with secrets, but it was very hard to keep it. For almost a year, you basically have to act dumb when people ask you, I was so happy when they finally announced the cast.
What’s Ahead for Ongina?
I am trying to marry my two loves of visual and interior design and drag. So I am working on a show on a budget. I also want to produce shows to showcase drag race girls that are so amazing and relevant that you may not see in a tour rotation.
I started watching Drag Race in Season 2, so I didn’t see you the first time you were on. During this interview I see an amazing outgoing personality I didn’t see on all stars, what happened during taping?
I felt subdued on the show, as I had a devil on my shoulder that made me question myself, but I am so happy for you to say that you see my personality.
(NOTE: After the interview I decided I needed to watch Season 1, and I did. There I saw the outgoing personality Ongina has)
For more information on Ongina, follow her at:
In Episode 3, Ru tells the girls that VIP travelers don’t just want a room they want an unforgettable experience. For this week’s maxi challenge the girls will be starring in the hottest new Hotel design show “Shantay Enjoy Your Stay.” Working in teams they need to present a signature suite. In a random drawing the teams are Miz Cracker, Shea and Mariah (Golden Girls Palace and Resort); JuJu, India and Alexis (The Glamazone), and Blair and Mayhem (24K Room). The teams decided on their own design/theme.
This week’s guest judges are design superstar Martin Lawrence Bullard and actress Nicole Byer. The runway category is three looks in one. The winning team is Blair and Mayhem, but the best all-star of the week is JuJuBee who wins a 7 night stay for 2 in the Penthouse Suite at The Grand Resort and Spa right here in Fort Lauderdale. The bottom 3 are Shea, India and Mariah. The lip sync assassin that JuJuBee has to compete against in Monet Xchange. Monet wins and the queens voted to send Mariah home.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Mariah for this exclusive Hotspots interview:
How has your life changed since you were on Drag Race?
Well I moved to LA and I have been there about 6 years and I have been working a lot. I was a hair stylist by Trade and now I do drag full time. I also love traveling the world, as I have gone to places that I would never have imagined…it’s been wonderful
What has been some of your favorite cities to visit as a RuPaul Alumni?
Vienna took my breath away, as it is beautiful and the architecture was amazing. Croatia and Gibraltar were also awesome.
You mentioned that before season 3 you were mostly a ballroom queen, now that you have performed a lot in drag, how do you compare the 2 styles?
Competing in the Ballroom scene is very sudden death and a lot more intense in a shorter period of time. Also your only competition is yourself. Performing in drag you have to keep people’s attention for a longer period of time.
Does Pose show what the Ballroom scene is and is it still the same?
YES, and the ballroom scene is still the same although some of the categories have changed. However, they are still based on chosen family, mentorship and helping the next generation survive.
How exciting was it to get called back for All Stars?
It was a huge sigh of relief, and I was screaming at the top of my lungs that it was about time.
How did you prepare differently for all stars than you did the first time you were on the show?
I gave more variety with silhouettes and a larger range with my style. Mentally I prepared myself that anything can and will happen, and to enjoy the moment.
Now that you have been eliminated, who do you want to win?
Oh god, honestly I think all of the girls deserve it for different reasons. Blair has grown in her ability to learn and build in such a short period of time. Shea is such a strong leader and passionate and effective and JuJubee has the personality that lights up a room. Mayhem, my twin, I want her to bring it home for us. I am also routing for my sista Alexis as she was top 3 our first season.
How hard was it to keep the secret that you are on all stars?
It’s was not hard at all for me, because I was on the road a lot and staying busy. I had to recoup all the money that I spent to get ready, and then it was quarantine.
What’s Ahead for Mariah?
I want to get back to performing and showing my outfits that I wasn’t able to show on All Stars. I am also working on things I can’t talk about yet, but am very excited about.
For more information on Mariah, follow her at:
Episode 4 starts out with the Ru telling the girls that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and that the maxi challenge will be the girls caught behaving badly on the nationally syndicated gossip show “SheMZ.” In random teams they have to improv their way through some scandalous situations, and they have to make sure they are funny.
The teams are: India and Mayhem (a celebrity chronic shoplifter and a shop girl who catches her); Jujubee, Blair and Cracker (an over protective drag mother, and obnoxious ungrateful daughter and a shady queen at the center of a college admissions scandal); and Shea and Alexis (Icy drag queen fired from the fake housewives of Tucahee for being to fake, and a messy drag queen from the same show for being too messy).
The special guest judge is Modern Family actress Sarah Hyland, and the category on the runway was “Come on Camo Couture.”
The winner of this challenge was Miz Cracker who won a 4 night stay in Montreal including airfare and hotel, and the bottom 2 are Mayhem and India. The lip sync assassin is Morgan McMichael’s and they are both so good, Ru can’t decide, so it’s a tie. What does that mean? Well first it means that Cracker won $20,000 ($10 for this week and the $10 that was rolled over) and second it means two queens can be sent home if Crackers choice is different from the groups. In the end everyone agreed it was Mayhems time (mostly because she wasn’t fighting for it in the lounge, and India was fighting to stay).
It was a pleasure to sit down with Mayhem for this exclusive Hotspots interview:
How has your life changed since you were on Drag Race?
My life has changed immensely. Being on drag wake was a dream come true and the life that comes after it is also a dream come true.
What has been some of your favorite cities to visit as a RuPaul Alumni?
I like anywhere I go as long as I leave Riverside California. But my all-time favorite has been touring Germany.
How exciting was it to get called back for All Stars?
It was extremely exciting to be selected out of the hundreds of girls who have been on drag race. I was hand-picked which means they saw something special in me, and I appreciate it.
How did you prepare differently for all stars than you did the first time you were on the show?
This time around it was like the first time, as I hit the ground running and tried to connect with as many designers as possible before anyone else did. Also, I tried get mentally set for the hell I was about to be put through.
In this past episode you revealed that many years ago you got two DUI’s. How has that changed your life?
OMG, those moments of shame have been defining moments in my life for me to recognize that I had things to deal with regarding substance abuse. I have grown and learned so much about myself since those and have become a better person.
I am very happy that I shared it, as I am not alone in the struggle. I hope it helps at least one person out there.
You definitely got sent home too early on your first season, do you feel better about All Stars?
I totally feel happy with my experience. I went in with a different attitude then I did with season 10. I wanted to celebrate and enjoy every moment, and not stress.
Now that you have been eliminated, who do you want to win?
I love all the girls, and I think any of them would be amazing. However, Juju and I have been friends for a long time and she would be a wonderful ambassador if she wins. Also, Shea is a strong competitor and she would also make a wonderful ambassador. I am rooting for anyone who will let me borrow a couple thousand dollars…LOL!
How hard was it to keep the secret that you are on all stars?
It wasn’t hard at all as the cat was out of the bag once we started filming it. Once a drag queen goes off the radar for 2 days in the summer, these fans already know.
What’s Ahead for Mayhem?
More partying as I am the queen of the parties. I want to continue to do what I do best and that is being a fabulous drag queen.
For more information on Mayhem, follow her at: