For the first time, Disney On Ice invites everyone to step inside the magical adventures of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen, the #1 Animated feature of all time, and Disney Animation’s Encanto, the 2022 Academy Award, BAFTA, and Golden Globe Award winner for Best Animated Feature, as they come to life like never before. This adventure on ice transports fans into two of the most popular Disney films as audiences can sing-along to their favorite songs while embracing world-class ice skating, aerial acrobatics and more. Tis fabulous show will be in South Florida at the FLA Live Arena from September 8 – 11 and at the Watsco Center from September 15 – 18!
Audiences will see Anna, Elsa, Mirabel, and the Madrigal family live, as well as fan favorites Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald, Goofy, and many more.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Adam Loosley, an Artistic Director for Disney On Ice, for this exclusive Hotspots interview.
How did you get hired at Feld, and what’s the best part about working for Feld Entertainment?
My history goes way back till I was 19 years old, and I started as a skater with Disney on Ice/Feld Entertainment. Working there is an education in diversity and world travel that opens your mind. After those 11 years I was able to step into a performance director role and I learned a lot about behind the scenes.
Many years ago, I was a performer for Frozen, so coming back as Artistic Director is a full circle moment.
How does Artistic Director compare to being a skater?
My performance career was some of the best times of my life but as director I get to share that with new performers and make sure they have an amazing time and can embrace this experience. I get a chance to inspire and what an opportunity that is.
What has been some of the favorite cities you have toured?
I absolutely love the west coast, specifically Seattle and San Diego. I also have a soft spot for New Orleans and Chicago. For foreign countries, wherever there is a beach I am in, so I must pick Thailand. Even though we are working it feels like a vacation.
Are you single or dating?
I have a partner, and we live in Tampa together. We met at Disney on Ice, and we have been together for a little over a year.
I am getting off the road soon so we can build a life together settled down. Being home during Covid made me realize that I want this, and I am looking forward to this new chapter.
What makes the perfect guy for you?
We both have our own careers and own lives, and we are both such independent people, but its beautiful how we enhance each other’s worlds.
Describe yourself in three words?
Colorful, positive, and driven.
What does the future hold for you?
I hope more of this, I absolutely love this job. I want creative opportunities to express myself, and I also want to keep learning.
Is there anything else you want to talk about?
Yes, I wrote this book during the pandemic: “You Are A Great Story: Be the Author of Your Own Adventure.” It kept me artistic during a dark time. It’s about my two nephews and my niece. A very good friend of mine did the illustrations. To find out more about the book go to:
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Why should our readers see this tour of ‘Disney on Ice’?
It has been a bit of a wild couple years so why not spend two hours of absolute joy and positivity, and I promise you are going to feel happy when you leave. You will smile, you will laugh, and you will be inspired. We all deserve it! Disney on Ice is exactly what the doctor ordered.
For more information ort tickets to the Florida shows, go to