
Happy New Year and welcome to 2023. Listen, if you’re serious about making this year your healthiest and most productive on record, then you’ve simply got to make exercise one of your top priorities. No more excuses; procrastination is fruitless, just get moving and do it. Whether you’ve never darkened the door of a gym, or just looking to up your game, here are 25 indisputable and urgent reasons why you need to exercise in 2023 (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio).

  1. Exercise is great for mental health. It can alleviate depression and anxiety, battles fatigue, and gives you more energy all day long.
  2. Exercise bolsters and fortifies your immune system making you more resistant to colds and flu.
  3. Exercise sharpens mental processes helping you to think on your feet and in any situation.
  4. Exercise is a creative and potent way to occupy your mind and help you burn off steam when you are worried about life’s little difficulties.
  5. Exercise improves posture by doing such things as flattening your tummy and eliminating lower back pain.
  6. Exercise can help curb and even eliminate excessive health care costs.
  7. Exercise improves flexibility at the joints.
  8. Exercise helps lower blood pressure and your resting heart rate.
  9. Exercise prevents the loss of muscle mass due to aging and inactivity as it helps to preserve and build lean muscle.
  10. Exercise helps burn excess blood sugar caused by poor nutrition and daily stress.
  11. Exercise revs your metabolism to burn more calories even while you are asleep.
  12. Exercise is good for pets. Taking your favorite pooch for a walk is a superb excuse for getting up off the couch after a hard day at the office.
  13. Exercise is a great way to meet new people and make friends.
  14. Exercise is a wonderful excuse to get outside and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.
  15. Exercise improves coordination and balance as it makes you more stable and resistant to falls and accidents.
  16. Exercise helps improve appetite as well as curb your appetite against stress eating or grazing out of boredom.
  17. Exercise lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises your good cholesterol (HDL).
  18. Exercise can greatly decrease the risk of certain types of cancer.
  19. Exercise improves the supply of oxygen to your cells helping you to move more freely and breathe more deeply.
  20. Exercise improves and enhances sex drive!
  21. Exercise lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes in most people by combatting obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
  22. Exercise prevents bone loss and increases bone density thereby decreasing your risk of osteoporosis.
  23. Exercise, especially doing regular cardio-vascular activities like swimming, biking, and walking, greatly improves your cardio-vascular system making you more resistant to heart attacks and heart disease.
  24. Exercise is the only effective and inexpensive “fountain of youth” available to all of us. Face-lifts, fillers, and Botox may give you a temporary lift, but regular exercise will help you look and feel younger for years on end!
  25. Exercise helps improve self- image making you a happier, more confident, and productive person at work, at home and in your relationships.