Nam Myo (photos by William Giovanie)

We sat down with cover model Carlos Villar, who recently changed his name to Nam Myo, to find out more about this sexy actor.

How long you have been acting?

Since I was 19 years old. I have been a dancer my entire life. I started ever since I can remember, as I grew up in Cuba dancing. I moved to the US in 2008 when I was 17 to pursue my dream.

How did your acting career begin?

I decided to become an actor because I wanted to perform again. I had a dream to become famous and be accepted by others. I was on a path to finding out who I was. I had many great experiences and was able to grow and diversify my talents. I played some important roles in theater and film, such as Hamlet and Julius Caesar.

In 2010 I moved to California to study acting in The American Music and Dramatic Academy in LA. It was very hard for me, because I didn’t speak a word of English, but somehow I got in.

What brought you back to Miami?

I was away for six years in Hollywood and New York and the Industry got to me, so I decided to come back to Miami and find myself again.  I suffered for many years with this kind of identity crisis. Then I had the fortune to be introduced to Nichiren Buddhism and receive my Gohonzon. 

How did you get rid of your accent?

I studied Shakespeare and voice and speech. My first leading role outside of college was to play Hamlet.

Where in Miami have you worked?

I have worked in a lot of commercials (Intel, Chase, Sprite, etc.) and in the Micro Theater Miami, which also helped me with my directing and writing skills. The funny thing is I came back to Miami not to work, but to spend time with my family and get back to my roots, and I have been acting here more than anywhere else. 

What do you do for fun?

Dance is still my go to for fun. I just got back into it, and it reminded me that even though I gave up dancing many years ago, I am a dancer and dancing is who I am.

What are you doing now?

I wrote a film about my experience being a dancer as a young boy in Cuba, stopping the dancing (cultural stigmas) and then fighting for my right to be a dancer. I am planning on going to Cuba to shoot this film. This is a self-empowering movie about bullying during high school. This film focuses on the character who has to stop bullying himself and accept the fact that he is a dancer and shows that once he accepts himself his friends accept him. He then teaches his friends how to dance.

Are you single or married?

I have a commitment to myself and I do have a partner.

How did you meet your partner? Was it love at first sight?

We met mystically and were connected to each other in profound ways. Even being friends for a while we always shared a commitment and connection to each other. He actually received his gohonzon and now we practice together.

Describe yourself in three words?

Genuine, risky and passionate

How would your partner describe you in three words?

Happy, sweet and kind.

What’s the ultimate goal?

To produce that film I told you about and to make a change in the world. I want to inspire people through my own life. Media has so much power, and I hope this film will do just that.  No fame or outside acceptance is greater than the pleasure and joy of encouraging someone else’s life.

For more information on Nam Myo (Carlos) you can follow him at: Instagram or Facebook @nammyolion.