This week starts out with Ru telling the remaining 6 contestants that there would only be a maxi challenge, and that would be making over beautiful woman who are Drag Race super fans. However, the women think they are there to sit in the audience for a performance and are shocked when they find out they will get makeovers and perform. Each “gurl” gets paired up with a super fan by Jaida who won last week. Ru explains to them that there must be a drag family resemblance.
The special guest judge this week us Daisy Ridley, and the runway look is “Drag Family Resemblance.”
After the runway the drag super fane had to lip synch against one other super fan and it was so much fun to watch.
Ru then declared Jaida the winner which once again came with a $5,000 cash tip for her and a $5,000 gift card to Jazz (her super fan) to Betsey Johnson, which comes with a personal shopper. I personally love Jaida and she was very good this week, but think the winner should have been either Sherry or GiGi. I think Ru gave Jaida the win because she paired everyone up so well.
The bottom 2 were Jackie and Heidi, and in a rare RuPaul move she kept both contestant, so no one was eliminated.
So now we have 6 girls, but we know that Sherry has been disqualified, so I want to know who you think is going to win and why. Send to: I will pick from all those responding with the correct girl, and someone will win a $250 gift basket.