Symone / VH1

What we have all been waiting for finally arrived, the finale of Drag Race Season 13, and the top 4 were (in alphabetical order): Gottmik, Kandy Muse, Rose’ and Symone. The finale started out with an opening production by Ru and then three different looks form the finalist, and they were: Black and White, Red All Over and Grand Finale Eleganza Extravaganza. All four looked good, but the standouts were Rose’ and Gottmik. Ru explained that due to Corona they did not have an in-studio audience but there was a drive in outside with many fans watching live.

This was followed by Ru doing mini-interviews with the top 4, and the World Of Wonder did a lovely tribute to a Chi Chi DeVayne who we lost this past year. It was heartwarming and brought tears to my eyes and many of the former queens who did testimonials of how great Chi Chi was!

It was then time for the Lip Synch for the Crown where Ru brought out a wheel with the top four’s faces on it. She spun it and Kandy was the first followed by Rose, which meant they were going to lip synch against each other followed by Gottmik and Symone. Unfortunately, Rose had sprained her ankle and couldn’t give her all in the lip synch and she sashayed away, and Symone won the second lip synch.

Then it was time to see the eliminated contestants on video who all looked fab. Last year’s Miss Congeniality, Heidi n Closet, was there in person to announce this year’s winner. The $10,000 went to Lala Ri. This prize money was sponsored by Olay Body, who also gave the rest of the girls $2,000 each.

Then it was time for the final lip-synch for the crown where the winner and new Drag Superstar crowned by last year’s winner, Jaida Essence Hall was…Symone.

The day before the finale, I got to interview the top 4, and here is what they said:


Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

I started when I was about 16 years old. At first I had a slew of other names, but eventually I settled on Symone because it came from a play I wrote in High School, and that character was so powerful.

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race, and how did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

I tried out twice and it felt so insane when I got the call. I knew my life was going to change. It was a real beautiful moment and then I went upstairs and screamed

Q: How hard was it to keep the secret that you were on “Drag Race”?

It wasn’t too hard for me, as I am good with secrets.  

Q: Tell us about your “RuPaul’s Drag Race” experience?

It was beautiful and so much fun. I learned a lot about myself that I didn’t know or believe. Mother Ru called me a star, so I finally had to believe it. It’s one of the most important things that has ever happened in my life.

Q: Is there something you wish you did differently?

No, I don’t have any regrets, even when I was in the bottom. I learned a lot from being in the bottom, because I realized I forgot who I was and to believe in myself.

Q: At the start of filming did you expect to make the top 4, and who did you think was your fiercest competition?

I did expect to make it to the end as I told myself if you are going to do this you are going to make it to the end. I knew GottMik was competition and I also thought Tina would be competition since she is a legendary New York Queen.

Q: Going into the finale, if Ru tapped you on the shoulder and said you couldn’t win, who did you want to win and why?

I would tell her to stop the show because no one else could win…LOL…Seriously that’s a hard question as all of them are so fabulous. But if I had to choose, I would pick GottMik as she is great and what she would represent would be amazing.

Q: If you win what are you going to do with the $100,000?

OMG, I am going to invest in my drag. You saw it without $100,000, so imagine with that kind of money. I want to stretch this career as far as I can. I would also help my mom out, as she was always there for me.

Q: What’s your marital status?

I am a single Diva, but I am open to talking if anyone thinks they could handle it.

  1. Being on Instagram I see you and Gigi Goode are besties, how did that happen?

I became friends with her when I moved to LA 2 years ago. I was very nervous to meet her as I saw her on Instagram, However, we clicked immediately.

Q: What’s ahead for Symone?

World Domination…LOL…I want to be everywhere. I want to do fashion, I want to act, I want to tour. I want to expand what people think drag could be. I don’t want to be limited.


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For more information on Symone follow her on The_symone

Kandy Muse


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Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

I started my interest in drag around season four, at age 18, but professionally 4 years ago. I took my name from the Andy Warhol doc “The Life of Candy Darling.” However, I changed it to a “K” to match my boy name: Kevin.

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race? How did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

I auditioned 4 times and finally being cast was amazing. I kind of had a feeling that season 13 was my year as I moved into an apartment with the # 13 a month before I got the call. It was incredible, and at first, I couldn’t believe it as I am a huge fan of the show.

Q: How hard was it to keep the secret that you were on Drag Race?

You know being on drag race is one of the worst kept secrets as everyone sees when you leave social media for 2 months. It was difficult, as I had to avoid tons of questions. 

Q: Tell us about your RuPaul’s Drag Race experience?

OMG, the experience has been incredible, and it truly has been a roller coaster of emotions. I went on there and showed my authentic self.

Q: Is there something you wish you did differently?

I live my life with no regrets, but I would change the pockets runway. If I could do it 10 more times, I would.

Q: At the start of filming did you expect to make the top 4, and who did you think was your fiercest competition?

I definitely saw myself at the top, as there was no other option. I thought Tina for sure was competition, as I have known her for a long time and I know she is an established artist in NYC.

Q: Going into the finale, if Ru tapped you on the shoulder and said you couldn’t win, who did you want to win and why?

I would choose Gottmik as she has so much to offer and is a well-rounded entertainer. She can dance, do comedy, and do makeup and of course it would be great for the trans community.

Q: If you win, what are you going to do with the $100,000?

I would definitely pay off all my debts and loans, and then I would invest the rest into my drag. It would be so helpful for my career.

Q: What’s your marital status?

I am single unfortunately.

Q: What’s ahead for?

Hopefully once this world opens up, I will be touring and meeting all the fans. I also really enjoyed doing television and am super excited to see what the future hold.

Q: Is there something I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about?

I want people to know that we are hardworking artists, and the finale is going to be one of the best in history and its anyone’s game.

For more information on Kandy Muse follow her on



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Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

I think I started watching Drag Race since 8th grade and I have been obsessed with drag and everything it is as an art form for so long. I was told I couldn’t be a drag queen since I was assigned female at birth. But I loved it so much I wouldn’t listen to anyone. My Drag name is the first part of my first and last name swapped.

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race? How did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

This was my third time applying. I remember I was at my house when I got the call, and I just kind of became shocked and couldn’t do anything.

Q: How hard was it to keep the secret that you were on Drag Race? 

I am the NDA queen of secrets. I am so good at keeping them that it was super easy for me. 

Q: Tell us about your RuPaul’s Drag Race experience?

It could not have been better. Truly, I wanted to move into the workroom as I did not want it to end. I am banging on the all-stars door.

Q: Is there something you wish you did differently?

I don’t regret anything I did on the show at all, but if I could change anything I wish I could have the confidence I have now in the beginning of tapping.

Q: At the start of filming did you expect to make the top 4, and who did you think was your fiercest competition?

I definitely wanted, and thought my drag was unique enough to make the top 4. Although my biggest priority was to be a trans advocate. I always think the loudest craziest person in the world is my competition, so for me it was Tina and Kandy.

Q: Going into the finale, if Ru tapped you on the shoulder and said you couldn’t win, who did you want to win and why?

I would love for Symone to win because we are LA sisters and a crown has not come to LA since Raja, and that’s way too long. Also, Symone fights for her community and does great drag.

Q: If you win what are you going to do with the $100,000?

I wish I could say something so responsible, but I definitely would put it right back into my drag. I might be the worst fiscally responsible human being. I would probably buy an Alexander McQueen outfit.

Q: What’s your marital status?

I am single, and am an open angel of life going through the motions.

Q: What’s ahead for Gottmik?

There is no stopping me now. The confidence and power I have come into on Drag Race has made me a happy artist and I want to do it all.

Q: Is there something I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about?

I am just so excited to keep this momentum going, crashing the patriarchy that we are put in as artists, and I want to keep fighting for equality.

For more information on Gottmik follow her on



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Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

I think when I was about 23 or 24 is when I started to buy drag and getting into it, but I started performing at 28. I was looking for a name that was an explosion of pink, since I was never able to wear pink growing up. I wanted a one word name and I was on my laptop and an ad came up for a Rose’ brand, and that seemed perfect.

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race, and how did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

I auditioned twice and when I found out I was cast, I was elated, and then I was terrified as it was in the middle of a pandemic and the things, we need to pull looks together were closed. However, it was ana exciting time.

Q:How hard was it to keep the secret that you were on Drag Race? 

You know what its definitely difficult, but this year it was easier due to Covid, because no one was working. 

Q: Tell us about your RuPaul’s Drag Race experience?

My drag race experience was amazing. I would not change a thing as it had ups and downs, but the downs were in the beginning, so I was able to climb the latter up. It proved to me that this is not only what I am good at, but what I definitely want to do.

Q: Is there something you wish you did differently?

I am thrilled with everything, so I wouldn’t change a thing.

Q: At the start of filming did you expect to make the top 4, and who did you think was your fiercest competition?

I did think I would make the top 4, as I had my eyes set on that goal, and I never lost site of it and never doubted I would be there in the end. I thought the biggest competition was Tina and Denali, who are more camp and are no strangers to performing. Those are the performers that are most similar to me.

Q: Going into the finale, if Ru tapped you on the shoulder and said you couldn’t win, who did you want to win and why?

I think my biggest competition is Symone, so I think she should win. Although all 4 of us are fabulous and are good at different things and represent different styles of drag!

Q: If you win, what are you going to do with the $100,000?

I need to pay back some lovely divas who helped me get here and I would also like to donate a portion of it to charity.

Q: What’s your marital status?

I have a boyfriend.

Q: What’s ahead for Rose?

I am a show mother f*cking girl, so I can’t wait for the pandemic to end and I can get on the road and perform. I also can’t wait to do some music and just do my thing. I need to get back to the stage where I belong.

For more information on Rose follow her on

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Scott Holland