As we head to the busy upfront advertising buying season, it’s worth noting that millions of Americans and possibly hundreds of billions in LGBTQ+ spending are possibly missing from the current industry-recognized estimates of at least 20 million LGBTQ+ people in the United States with 1.4 trillion in household spending. These well-intentioned tallies are only counting the people who live their sexual or gender identity openly. It does not count the more than 16 million or more individuals not yet living openly in their LGBTQ+ identity — meaning there could possibly be nearly 40 million LGBTQ+ Americans. Those 16 million people are estimates pulled from Gallup’s own figures and statistics. As a result, this population adjustment would conservatively make the household estimated spend by queer people to be about $2.3 trillion, significantly higher than most estimates. In the article written by Michael Dru Kelley in, he asks, “Counting LGBTQ+ people in a poll means counting openly LGBTQ+ people; but do those not yet comfortable identifying as queer not absorb LGBTQ+ content and/or not respond to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians at the polls?” He says, if you harmonize the number of those openly identifying as LGBTQ+ and those who are closeted, you get about 12 percent across the generations, on average, identifying as LGBTQ+.
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