Features 12 Aids Walk


Features 12 Aids Walk

Florida AIDS Walk is a 10k walk (optional 5k) fundraiser to raise awareness and help reverse the continuing epidemic of HIV/AIDS in South Florida and is brought to you by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Pharmacy. 100% of the funds raised from the Florida AIDS Walk stay right here in Florida and will benefit the AHF, Broward House, the Pride Center at Equality Park, SunServe and the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center. This community fundraising and awareness event helps ensure the expansion of HIV/AIDS testing, education and prevention initiatives in South Florida and throughout the state.


Florida Aids Walk 2010

aidswalk3Florida AIDS Walk is a 10k walk (optional 5k) fundraiser to raise awareness and help reverse the continuing epidemic of HIV/AIDS in South Florida and is brought to you by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Pharmacy. 100% of the funds raised from the Florida AIDS Walk stay right here in Florida and will benefit the AHF, Broward House, the Pride Center at Equality Park, SunServe and the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Center. This community fundraising and awareness event helps ensure the expansion of HIV/AIDS testing, education and prevention initiatives in South Florida and throughout the state. It will also support:

* GLBT education, advocacy and services;
* Specialized services meeting the needs of the economically disadvantaged, marginalized youth, seniors and peoples of differing abilities;
* Specialized, comprehensive care of children and youth with HIV/AIDS in a family-
centered environment;
* Improving the lives of individuals living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS.

aidswalk4Florida AIDS Walk takes place on Sunday, March 28th at Huizenga Plaza in Fort Lauderdale. The schedule is:

* 8:00 am: Registration/check-in (Registration/check-In located on the first floor of parking garage east of the museum)
* 9:30 am: Opening ceremony – Huizenga Plaza
* 10:00 am: Walk begins
* 1:00 pm: Post-walk celebration TBA

Florida Aids Walk 2010I spoke to Director Mark Bode of Florida AIDS Walk and asked him what makes Florida AIDS Walk so special and he said, “The Florida AIDS Walk is not only a fundraiser, raising moneys for outreach, prevention, education and testing, but it is also an awareness campaign. The importance behind this is significant. When was the last time you saw an article in the newspaper or primetime television about HIV/AIDS? With the advent of HART therapy, the urgency surrounding this disease has fallen off the radar. Yet we have one of the highest rates of infection in the country. We have to come together in large numbers to demonstrate that the expansion of HIV/AIDS programs, research and services are more important than ever.”

Florida AIDS Walk is grateful for their sponsors, which include Sidelines Sports Bar, Volunteer Broward, EdgeOnTheNet.com, Mark’s List Magazine, Florida Agenda, Cardinal Health, Sun-Sentinel, 97.0 WRFM, Latino Boys Magazine and Hotspots Magazine.

For more information about Florida AIDS Walk or to make a donation, visit FloridaAIDSWalk.org


Florida Aids Walk 2010

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