Selling Tampa / Netflix

For those of you who haven’t had the chance to see Netflix’s newest series in the growing Selling franchise, “Selling Tampa,” it is time to check it out. This Florida-based spinoff follows the owner and agents of the all-Black, all-female firm, Allure Realty.

Allure Realty is owned by military vet Sharelle Rosado, and has its eyes set on dominating the Suncoast. These ladies are equally as fun as they are fiercely ambitious, with all of them vying to be on top of the lavish world of luxury waterfront real estate. Sharelle has big plans for her brokerage and won’t let anyone or anything get in the way of making her dreams a reality.

In addition to Rosado, the cast includes Alexis Williams, Anne-Sophie Petit, Colony Reeves, Juawana Colbert, Karla Giorgio, Rena Frazier and Tennille Moore.

The only person you don’t see in Selling Tampa, except for in the background in a couple episodes is their very sexy, out Chief Marketing Officer, Gabriel Antonio.

It was a pleasure to sit down with Gabriel and Juawana for this exclusive Hotspots interview:

How long have each of you been in the Real Estate business and when did each of you start with Allure Realty?

J – I have been indirectly in the re business for about 15 years, and I have been with Allure for 2 1/2 years.

G- I am the CMO and I have been with Allure since the beginning of 2020. Before this, I was in the music industry for 12 years.

Other than Sharelle, who do you get along with the best and the least at Allure Realty and why?

J – I don’t know if I can pick one, but I get along with Gabrielle and Tennille, and the least everybody else.

G – I would say I am the closest with Juawana and Sophie, but I get along with everybody so I can’t pick anyone.  (Alexis the least according to Juawana).

How is it working with an all-female Real Estate team?

J – I think it is like a sisterhood, but in all families, you have disagreements. But its also empowering to work with women who look like you. It helps elevate you as you want to be just as good as them or better.

G – Its inspirational and its awesome seeing them grow from the beginning. It’s also great to see business booming.


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What’s the best and worst thing about being in Real Estate?

J – The best this is the potential to make as much money as your able to; its uncapped. The worst part is networking and getting your name out there so people can know and trust you to represent them.

G – The best thing is learning about homes, inspections, etc. It helps me seeing the homes and seeing negotiations when it comes to marketing. I don’t have a worse part about it.

Describe yourself in three words?

J – Direct, fun, and optimistic.

G – Determined, outgoing and helpful.

What do you do for fun?

J – I am a loner, but for fun I like going to happy hours and trying different restaurants. I also like looking at model homes.

G – I work so much, so for fun I like being at home. But I do love to take short vacations and to find new restaurants.

Gabriel, are you single/taken?

I am currently taken for almost two years, and I met him scrolling through Tik-Tok. I saw this guy dancing and he had this big smile and was super cute. I then looked for him on Insta and slid into his DM. He took a while for him to respond, but eventually he messaged me, and the rest is history.

Juawana, are you dating anyone? And if not, what are you looking for in a man?

No, I am not. I would like to, but I have been super focused on my career. I like to have fun, so the guy needs to have a fun personality and they have to be understanding and supportive of my career. They also have to be financially stable, as I am not going to carry a man. Other than that, I am flexible.

What does the future hold?

J – The future is bright, but I don’t know what it holds. However, I am here for the ride, and I am looking to make the best of what I have been given.

G – I think growing and stepping into my next venture and getting more involved with Netflix. I also may tap back into the music industry. I have recorded many songs in the past, and the first nightclub I ever performed at was Pulse in Orlando. Music is one of my passions.

If they haven’t already, why should our readers watch Selling Tampa?

J – Because it is fresh, juicy, tumultuous and its about Tampa. We really showcase the community and how beautiful it is and the options there are in the Bay Area. In addition, we are easy on the eyes.

G – Its inspiring and something new that you haven’t seen before. These ladies are stepping into luxury real estate. You also get to see the personal lives of these women. These women are inspiring and very entertaining.

Is there something I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about?

J – We really want to be the go-to real estate agency in the Tampa Bay Area and Miami, and hopefully one day all of Florida. Its not about selling Luxury homes, its about providing a luxury experience.