

If you are dealing with male pattern baldness and it is interfering with your quality of life, there are quite a few options you can pursue, but none promise the same great results as Hair Solutions, which will give you the thick and luxurious head of hair that you used to have.lisaDiane-pic

Lisa Nothardt and Diane DeStefano have nearly 60 years of experience in hair care between them. Lisa in particular has worked in the hair replacement field for over 25 years in Fort Lauderdale as well as in Boston and Hollywood, California. She worked under the tutelage of Charles Alfieri, creator of the natural lace hairline, and she was a company leader in sales and service for nearly two decades. Simply put: these ladies know their hair, and they know how to make you grin from ear to ear once they place and design your new head of hair.

I had the chance to interview Lisa Nothardt, who told me all about Hair Solutions and the hair replacement process, for this exclusive Hotspots interview.

What does a hair replacement technician do?

SBS-3026_HairSolutions_copyFirst, we make a mold of the client’s head and the area that needs to be replaced. Then, we match color, texture and wave pattern to the client’s already-growing hair. Finally, the high-quality hair is secured to the client’s scalp with the use of medical adhesive. At that point, the hair is ready to be cut and styled to the client’s satisfaction.

What kinds of compliments have you received from people who loved the way they looked afterwards?

First off, they look younger. After people see us, the procedure alone usually takes twenty years off the average person. Hair loss can prematurely age a person and people can feel bad about it, so it’s great to see them smiling, looking younger and feeling more confident.HairSolutions_logo

The hair replacement procedure costs $525. If you’d like to make an appointment to see Lisa or Diane, you can call (954) 773-1700 or fill out their contact form at Hair Solutions is located at 4390 N. Federal Hwy., Suite 104, in Fort Lauderdale.

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Mike Halterman
Mike Halterman has been the editor of Hotspots Central since its launch in July 2016. He joined the Hotspots Media Group family as editor of Hotspots' South Florida magazine in June 2013. A former "40 Under 40" honoree in The Advocate magazine, Mike lives in the Tampa Bay area.