
RuPaul’s Drag Race

Season 12, Top 3: The Finale

Before I speak on the finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race, I want to congratulate RuPaul, World Of Wonder and Vh1 on kicking ass with the reunion in the “Zoom World” we temporarily live in. I think it was the best reunion yet!

On the finale, Ru had 3 great “gurls,” and decided to crown Jaida as America’s Next Drag Superstar. In the end, its Ru’s choice, but I disagree with her decision. I think the winner has to be the best, and how you pick the best has to be based on one of three things: 1) track record, 2) finale performance, or 3) combination of the first two. 

On Track Record, GiGi clearly wins. She had four Maxi Challenge wins (although I still say Jan should have won the Madonna challenge), and three mini challenge wins. In addition, she was never in the bottom two. Jaida won three maxi challenges and was in the bottom two once. 

On the finale, I watched the close-up lip sync many times and they were all about even. On their individual numbers they were to choose a song that expressed themselves with a performance they produced during lockdown. Crystal’s number, Nelly Furtado’s “I’m Like a Bird,” was very creative but a bit amateurish. Jaida’s number, Ciara’s (side note: how god damn beautiful is Ciara!!) “Get Up” started on the couch, like the video, but that’s where the similarities end. Jaida was not wearing the same outfit or hair nor did she try and replicate anything of the video. Having said that, Jaida is a seasoned performer, and performed the number well. Gigi’s number, A-ha’s “Take On Me” was a tribute to the video and was absolutely outstanding (if you haven’t seen the video…I beg you to Google it). This performance couldn’t be touched. The creativity that GiGi put into this performance assured me that she is going to be a superstar! 

So now, you can see why I believe Gigi should have won. Having said that, my name is not RuPaul; I don’t get to pick the winner, and we have to respect Mother Ru’s choice, so congrats to Jaida. 

It was truly a pleasure to sit down with the three finalists the morning of the finale for this exclusive HotSpots interview:

Jaida Essence Hall

Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

I think I was about 22 when I started drag. I chose my name because a friend of mine called me Jaida , and I kept it and Hall came from my Drag Mom, Lady Tajma Hall, and Essence because my b/f used to call me essence. 

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race? How did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

I applied twice; for season 7 and then for season 12. To be chosen, it was amazing as it had been a dream of mine for so long and now it was reality. 

Q: Tell us about your RuPaul’s Drag Race experience?

In my mind I prepared for what you see on TV, but when you get there it’s a machine and it a  lot harder then you expect it to be. I really tried to be myself the whole time. 

Q: Is there something you wish you did different?

Everything worked out the way it should, so if I changed things I wouldn’t learn the lessons I needed to. 

Q: Going in to filming did you expect to make the top 3?

I got myself get ready to go all the way to the top, but it was a lot harder than expected. However, when Ru called my name for the top 3, it felt like a winning feeling already. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon and it means a lot to make it. 

Q: If you win what are you going to do with the $100,000?

I want to buy something nice for myself as I haven’t had anything nice in a while…maybe a pair of shoes. I also want to save money for the future. 

Q: If you couldn’t win, who do you want to win?

I think it would probably be GiGi, as she is very young, but at the same time she is constantly honing her craft and she has a very good sense of who she is. She has a very fresh and exciting take on drag. 

Q: Did being from the Pageant world prepare you for Drag Race?

You would think it’s almost like a pageant, but it’s not. It’s so much more difficult, and you are tested a lot more. In drag race the competition constantly pushes you. 

Q: What’s your marital status? 

I have a b/f, and we have been together for 12 years. 

Q: What’s ahead for Jaida?

After the show, the future is whatever I want it to be. I want to work with make-up and be a voice for my community. I think the sky’s the limit. I’m hoping whatever I dream can be a reality. 

Q: Is there something I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about? 

I appreciate tall the people have reached out. The fans that are supporting us have named this difficult time so much better for us, and I want to thank them. 

For more information on Jaida follow her on


GiGi Goode

Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

I have been doing drag for 8 years now, and it became a real interest around age 15 when my friend from high school was putting on a drag show. He asked me to perform, and I said yes. I have always been interested in hair and fashion so it made the most sense to do drag. Goode comes from season 3 of American Horror Stories, where Jessica Lange’s character’s name, who is my witch bitch, was Fiona Goode. GiGi comes from my legal last name that has 2 g‘s in it. 

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race? How did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

I did apply once in college, but I was under age and knew I couldn’t be chosen. I applied again this year. This was my first time with the intention of getting on the show and winning the damn thing. It’s one of those things that you can’t explain. The call when your dream comes true in that moment. It felt the biggest exhale of my life followed by the biggest inhale as I knew I had a lot of shit to do. 

Q: Tell us about your RuPaul’s Drag Race experience?

This experience has been beautiful to me. I have been so thankful and appreciative of the wins I had, but I’m most thankful for the relationships that will last a lifetime. 

Q: Is there something you wish you did different?

No, but I wish they showed more of the moments of the support from girl to girl, as we were all helping each other. 

Q: Going in to filming did you expect to make the top 3?

Of course I expected to make top 3. I went into oat with the intention of making it all the way. However, my number one goal was to have fun with every single moment and I did, and that led me to the top 3

Q: If you win what are you going to do with the $100,000?

It’s a lot of money and I told myself that if I win I am going to give a big old chunk to my mom, as a thanks for the 40 + garments she has made me and never charged me a penny for. I would also like to use some of it to help out friends and family and give some to good causes. I would like to further the betterment of society, and the LGBTQ community. 

Q: If you couldn’t win, who do you want to win?

It’s a hard question, but I really feel like it’s anybody’s game as we are all on a similar level of drag but in such a different way. So we are all deserving! 

Q: Clearly you are a fashionista, was this always the case? 

My fashion has always been because of my mom. I wouldn’t say she is the most fashion forward, but she has always been sewing and creating things and fashion and clothes have always been a part of my life. 

Q: What’s your marital status? 

I am single. 

Q: What’s ahead for GiGi?

The future is looking Goode (pun intended). There is a lot I plan on doing, but I can’t talk about yet. I want to keep pushing the boundaries of what drag has always been. I have no intention of stopping after the finale. 

Q: Is there something I didn’t ask you that you want to talk about? 

Yes, #TeamGiGi

For more information on follow her on

Crystal Methyd

Q: At what age did drag become an interest and how did you pick your name?

My friends were watching season 6, and got me to watch in the middle of the season. That was my first time getting introduced to drag. I thought it was fun. The next year I studied abroad and I binged all the previous seasons. 

When I came home, I came out to my parents and my mom had a bad reaction to me watching Drag Race. I’m a little bit of a rebel and I always like doing what my parents don’t like, so I decided to do make up in my room. I then went on Periscope to chat with people and that was my introduction. 

I am from Springfield Missouri and Meth is a big part of our community, effects so many people, My name was a way for me to represent hometown in a silly way. 

Q: How many times did you apply to be on RuPaul’s Drag Race? How did it feel when you found out you got chosen?

I auditioned twice; season 11 and 12. I just broke down and cried when I got the call, and then I quit my job. 

Q: Tell us about your RuPaul’s Drag Race experience?

It definitely was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It’s a race for sure, from the moment it starts. It’s hard, as you are pulled away from your support system and you are expected to have your creativity at 100% at all times. 

Q: Is there something you wish you did different?

I would have loved to have been more confident in myself from the beginning. 

Q: Going in to filming did you expect to make the top 3?

Before the show I was telling myself I was going to win to make myself confident, as I really wasn’t. But I don’t think I had any expectations going in. When I found out I made top 3 it was magical. I felt so lucky and blessed, as Gigi and Jaida are so talented. 

Q: If you win what are you going to do with the $100,000?

I am going to drink a lot of champagne. Well whether I win or not. Seriously, I want to pay off my house. I also want to invest in my drag and show how truly wild and bizarre Crystal can be. 

Q: If you couldn’t win, who do you want to win?

I am secretly hoping for a triple crowning as I love these girls so much, but if I had to choose, I would pick Jaida as she was my biggest cheerleader when I was doubting myself. 

Your creativity, costumes and make-up are wild, where did it come from? 

I think my love for clothes come from my mom. She had an insane walk in closet and display closets for her heels and storage systems for her jewelry. As a kid I would go in her closet and try on her dresses. She is a strong Mexican woman who loves colors, patterns, prints and over accessorizing…so that’s where I probably got it from. 

Q: What’s your marital status? 

I am in a relationship with my boyfriend Dustin and we have been together almost 5 years. 

Q: What’s ahead for?

I would love to do some kind of show like an art installation that has crazy smells and misters and transports people inside my brain. 

For more information on follow her on


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Scott Holland