Nicholas Bausenwein as Buzz Lightyear

Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party is bringing the magic to guests through dynamic moments that take place on the ice and in the air. This adventure delivers compelling storytelling through multi-leveled production numbers and visits Sunrise from September 10-12, at BB&T Center and Miami from September 16-19, at FTX Arena (Former American Airlines Arena). Tickets are on sale at Please review the Event COVID-19 waiver at

Feld Entertainment is working closely with venue partners to establish and follow COVID-19 health and safety standards in accordance with all federal, state and local guidelines. Face coverings are currently required for FTX Arena guests, regardless of vaccination status, per venue policy. Face coverings are currently strongly encouraged for BB&T Center guests, regardless of vaccination status.  Face covering policies are subject to change prior to each event – please be sure to continue to check the venue website.

It was a pleasure to sit down with Nicholas Bausenwein, who is a member of our community and plays Buzz Lightyear, for this exclusive Hotspots interview.

How old were you when you began skating, and did you always have the performance bug?

I was about 8 years old when I started skating, but for a long time I was competition oriented. However, I always loved preforming. When I was younger, I was in the marching band and theater.

At what point did you consider skating a possible career?

In my sophomore year in high school, I saw a production of Disney on Ice, and it sparked an interest in me. It looked like so much fun and thought this could be something interesting. But I really began to think about it when I was applying for colleges. 

How did you get hired at Feld, and what’s they best part about working for Feld Entertainment?

I sent in a video in the first week of Jan of 2019, and about 6 weeks later they emailed me and asked me to come skate for them in person. I showed them my tricks and how I can skate. There was also an improv section which I had a lot of fun with. I never heard back, and then I emailed them asking if I had a job. On April 1 (really that date) I got the email that I was hired.

Best part of playing Buzz Lightyear?

It’s seeing all the kid’s reactions. This is the one accessible form of Disney almost everyone can have without traveling and seeing kids who are seeing their heroes for the first time is amazing.


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What has been some of the favorite cities you have toured?

I started in Mexico City for 5 weeks and that was cool as it was the first time I had been out of the country for an extended period of time. I also loved Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco. I was mostly west coast my first year, but now we are doing the east coast.

Who are your idols/mentors in the skating industry?

I feel like I really looked up to two skaters. The first is Jason Brown who is a phenomenal performer. He is not as technical as he is a performer, and I feel like I am the same way. The second one is Adam Rippon, because he came out and then competed as an openly gay man at the Olympics. It was a huge moment for me to see. Seeing someone live their life authentically while having such success in skating was huge for me.

What are you planning to do after your skating career?

I will eventually go to school and study communications and consumer psychology.

Are you single or dating?

I am single and on tour, but luckily there are many gay people in our show. 

What makes the perfect guy for you?

I have been all over the place with the guys I dated. I think its about the connection.

Describe yourself in three words?

Extra, fun, and caring.

What do you do for fun?

I really like to explore the cities we visit and therefore every week kind of feels like a vacation. I also love eating at all the local restaurants. The cultures are so different in parts of our country.

What does the future hold for you?

Right now, I am really enjoying touring and I am living in the moment. Once this is done, I will most likely go to school. However, this past year has showed me you never know what to expect, but I feel very lucky to be at a job where I love going to work every day. Once that is over, I want to find a job that makes me feel the same way.

For more information on Nicholas, go to:


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Scott Holland