
In anticipation of the forthcoming showdown between President Joe Biden and his formidable opponent, former President Donald Trump, political veteran and LGBTQ+ rights advocate Peter Rosenstein offers a strategic roadmap for Biden’s debate performance. Rosenstein underscores the urgency of the moment, emphasizing that the upcoming debate on June 27 is not just a clash of personalities but a critical juncture for the nation’s future. It is the earliest Presidential debate in American history. Rosenstein acknowledges the familiar repertoire of insults expected from Trump but challenges Biden to deliver lines that will captivate the audience with humor while driving home poignant messages. Central to Rosenstein’s analysis is the alarming trajectory of Trump’s legacy, particularly his administration’s efforts to expand presidential powers, as revealed by former budget director Russ Vought’s recent maneuvers. Rosenstein pulls no punches in his characterization of Trump, labeling him with a litany of damning descriptors. However, Rosenstein acknowledges that Biden must tread carefully. He suggests Biden confront Trump head-on, questioning the veracity of his claims. Rosenstein implores Biden to pivot to substantive issues, ranging from the economy to immigration and foreign policy. He urges Biden to speak directly to key demographics, outlining the stakes of the election for African Americans, Latinos, women, the LGBTQ+ community, and young people. Rosenstein’s article for the Washington Blade, an LGBTQ+ newspaper serves as a rallying cry, urging Americans to confront the looming threat posed by Trump and his supporters. He advises Americans to reject misinformation and recognize the gravity of the choice before them. LGBTQ+ America has never seen a presidential debate like what we are going to watch. A 78 year old will debate and even older 81 year old. And literally, LGBTQ+ rights and perhaps our model of democracy hangs in the balance.

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