Q&A: Meet Hotspots Hottie Nam Myo

We sat down with cover model Carlos Villar, who recently changed his name to Nam Myo, to find out more about this sexy actor. How...

Meet Hotspots Hotties Damian & David

Names: Damian Manuel Soriano (33, Aries) & David Gómez (24, Scorpio) Nationality: Damian is Cuban and David is Colombian Which city do you live in? We...

Meet Hotspots Hottie Leonel Del Castillo

Name: Leonel Del Castillo Age: 26 Zodiac Sign: Leo Nationality: Cordoba, Argentina City you live in: Miami Beach Single or married: Married Perfect date: Gym and pizza   What do you do...

Meet Hotspots Hottie Alan Castro

Miami Beach Pride 2019 special edition cover model Alan Castro, 20, is an Aries and is originally from Venezuela, but moved to Miami three...

Q&A: Meet Hotspots Hotties Jose & Rick

Originally from Cuba, Jose, 22, is a Taurus, and Rick, 23, is a Capricorn. Both currently live Miami. We caught up with these Hotspots...