

GaYBOR/Ybor City have been very busy preparing for the GOP National Republican Convention. Tampa’s biggest convention ever is only 2 weeks away. With the #1 industry in Florida being the Tourism Industry, it looks like GaYBOR/Ybor City will be Switzerland during the convention to visiting delegates and protesters. Many preparations are going on to insure that both sides have the time of their lives in GaYBOR/Ybor City…


GaYBOR/Ybor City have been very busy preparing for the GOP National Republican Convention. Tampa’s biggest convention ever is only 2 weeks away. With the #1 industry in Florida being the Tourism Industry, it looks like GaYBOR/Ybor City will be Switzerland during the convention to visiting delegates and protesters. Many preparations are going on to insure that both sides have the time of their lives in GaYBOR/Ybor City.


dishing1People Are Talking

We are proud of our local neighbors and one especially. This past weekend Laughing Cat Restaurant owner, Franco came running over to tell us his 7 year old daughter Christina had beaten the computer at professional level Chess. Not once but 3 out of the 4 games! We have a prodigy amongst us! Bradley Nelson from Bradley’s on 7th is celebrating a big birthday August 13th, Happy Birthday Brad. There is a new county/city proposal for the demolition and building a new Robert W. Saunders, Sr Public Library on Nebraska Ave. It will be in partnership with a new African American Cultural Center at the same location. The new brick building from the architects has a lot of Ybor City historical flavor & decor added to it. The local artist stone mural by Joe Testa Secca entitled “Symbols of Mankind” on the front of the existing building will be taken down, saved and put on the new 2 story library outside entry. There will be a continued covered walkway between the new library and Booker T. Washington Elementary School next door. Wow a new Hot Dog wagon has appeared in Ybor City, CJ’s Weiner & Nuts. A lot of work is being done at the old Opa Taverna on 7th Ave. More restaurants are appearing in the historic district…This week after several years of massive renovations the newly named Floridan Palace Hotel is re opening in downtown Tampa. It has been restored meticulously to the great grandeur of yesteryear.

Featured GaYBOR Member of the Week – Patrick Hanley Chief at Beaune’s Wine Bar / West Palm Wines

Patrick is a familiar face here in GaYBOR/Ybor City. The first thing Patrick did when he joined the team at Beaune’s Wine Bar / West Palm Wines was to suggest they join GaYBOR! Many members have been stopping by & falling in love with the fantastic food & great wines there. FYI Did you know Beaune’s is located in the fastest growing new Gay Neighborhood in Tampa Bay???

dishing2Mark & Carrie’s Nephew/Niece of the WeekStefan Dixon

When 4 previous nephews approached us saying that Stefan should be a nephew it got our attention. After meeting him we agreed! Here is his bio that he sent to us.

“I am deeply honored that you both chose me to be a nephew. I am 21 years old and I was born in New York. I am the first member of my Jamaican family to be born in America. I moved to Tampa when I was 8 years. Currently, I am a rising senior at Cornell University, where I major in hospitality finance and minor in commercial real estate. This past semester, I studied international business in Barcelona, Spain. During the summers, I intern at a residential real estate firm. In the future, I hope to franchise hotels. During my free time, I love cooking, traveling, playing soccer, and spending quality time with family and friends.”