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Transparent star Trace Lysette producing Trans in Trumpland

The current anti-queer presidential administration has made no secret of its particular animosity toward the trans community and has done everything it can to make their lives impossible. Bizarrely, while enacting every sort of roadblock they can to transgender citizens living lives with dignity, their leader continues to deny that it’s happening. So it’s vital and relevant that transgender actress Trace Lysette (Transparent) is currently executive producing Trans in Trumpland. The four-part documentary series to be directed by trans filmmaker Tony Zosherafatain will follow four trans people fighting back against the Trump administration’s attempts to dismantle equal rights protections. The series, co-produced by longtime trans activist Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, will take a road trip style journey through Idaho, Texas, North Carolina and Mississippi, where individual trans citizens are working to survive, thrive and make a difference. Completed in 2019, the series is currently looking for a broadcast home.


Pose co-creator Steven Canals has 81 Words for the world

Until the year 1974, the American medical establishment officially considered queer people to be mentally ill. This injustice was changed after activists Frank Kameny and Barbara Gittings risked their careers, alongside a group of closeted psychiatrists, to challenge the American Psychiatric Association’s official stance on the matter. Now, thanks to FX, which recently gave audiences Mrs. America, that story is getting its own miniseries. Pose co-creator Steven Canals is developing the project, and will write the script based on Alix Spiegel’s award-winning This American Life episode about the subject. That this counts as relatively recent queer history, a fairly grim facet of our lives that many LGBTQ people might not even know about, is proof enough that the stories need to keep being told. Like they’d say on Pose, “Teach the Children!”


Romeo San Vicente loves Teaching the Children! 


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Romeo San Vicente